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Browse and open your files easily

SystemTrayMenu is a free, open-source start menu alternative for Microsoft Windows. It offers a clear, personalized menu in the system tray. Files, links and folders are organized in several levels as drop-down menus.

We are using C# and .NET 6.


Windows 11 neues Startmenü hinzufügen! - SystemTrayMenu _ PathTM - YouTube

Download the latest official version:

Blogs and reviews


What do I have to do now as first steps?

SystemTrayMenu is portable, so it does not need to be installed. After downloading e.g., unzip the folder, then start SystemTrayMenu.exe. If you prefer an installation there is the possibility to install SystemTrayMenu via the Windows Store.

If not already installed, then install .Net 6 (e.g. dotnet-sdk-6.0.100-win-x64.exe).

  1. Step: After starting the application the first time you have to choose the root directory.
    In this directory you should put shortcuts, files and folders (App, Game, Script, URL, Network),
    which you are often using and especially when you can not find them over the windows start menu search.
    You can also consider to put there all files from your desktop.

  2. Step: Move the SystemTrayMenu icon by drag and drop from the system tray into the taskbar below.
    group icon out

  3. Step: Now it is ready to start - just click on the icon in the taskbar to open the SystemTrayMenu.

How can I change the root directory?

You can change the root directory in the settings menu, that you can open by right clicking on the SystemTrayMenu icon.

What does the hotkey do?

In the settings menu you can choose a hotkey to open and close the SystemTrayMenu.

Can the SystemTrayMenu launch on windows startup?

Yes, you can select this option in the settings menu, that you can open by right clicking on the SystemTrayMenu icon.

What can I do if I have a problem, idea or question?

If a problem has occured or you have any ideas or questions, you are welcome to contact us.
Create an issue or write us an email Markus Hofknecht

Find more FAQ topics here: SystemTrayMenu FAQ


Some antiviruses might flag this program as malicious, but it is not! The source is open, so you can compile it yourself.


Install Visual Studio 2022.
Install .NET 6 SDK (.Net Core 3.1 in versions lower than


If you would like to contribute, everyone is welcome to.
If you are considering a feature, need guidance, or want to talk about an idea, don't hesitate to create an issue here.
When contributing please respect the style used by the codebase and consider the following rules:

  • Run FixCop.
  • Increase the version in the assembly file.
  • Add a commit message like:
[Feature] Show icon in taskbar when application is running (#115), version


Special thanks to our productive contibutors!

Thanks for ideas, reporting issues and contributing!

Mario Sedlmayr, #123 Mordecai00, #125 Holgermh, #135 #153 #154 #164 jakkaas, #145 Pascal Aloy, #153 #158 #160 blackcrack, #162 HansieNL, #163 igorruckert, #171 kehoen, #186 Dtrieb, #188 #189 #191 #195 iJahangard, #195 #197 #238 the-phuctran, #205 kristofzerbe, #209 jonaskohl, #211 blacksparrow15, #220 Yavuz E., #229 #230 #239 Peter O., #231 Ryonez, #235 #242 243 #247, #271 Tom, #237 Torsten S., #240 video Patrick, #244 Gunter D., #246 MACE4GITHUB, #259 vanjac, #262 terencemcdonnell, #269 petersnows25, #272 Peter M., #273 #274 ParasiteDelta, #275 #276 #278 donaldaken, #277 Jan S., #282 akuznets, #283 #284 #289 RuSieg, #285 #286 dao-net, #288 William P.,


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We would be delighted if you could help us with the following:

  • star on this github project
  • share or like youtube video
  • join or like us on reddit and/or Facebook
  • review or rating on Sourceforge or somewhere else
  • your ideas either as issues here in github or directly per mail

Don't hesitate to donate if you appreciate SystemTrayMenu and would like to support our work.

Sponsors - Thank you!


SystemTrayMenu - Browse and open your files easily



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  • C# 100.0%