FLOSS (Free, Libre, Open Source Software) setup scripts for Cambridge Uni CST Intro to Graphics course, and a NativePathModifier class to allow you to set the native path at runtime
To use, download the file (big green Clone or Download button) and unzip it to wherever you want to use it
Then open a command line and run ./gradlew eclipse
or ./gradlew idea
, and gradle will automatically set you up
an environment for either IDE. Because we are using LWJGL2 and LWJGL2 is kind of terrible (in comparison to more modern
versions), we need to extract the natives, thus you also need to run ./gradlew natives
which will automagically extract
them to the "lib/natives/*".
You then just open this project with your IDE
For eclipse, you right click on the package explorer tab, and select import
For IDEA you can either open it, or run ./gradlew openIdea
This is an old class I used to use, back when LWJGL2 was something worth using. It allows you to set the native java path
at runtime, instead of having to setup your path by using -Djava.native.path=[blah]
hand you just call NativePathModifier.setLibraryPath("[blah]");
before calling any lwjgl methods.
If you use the gradle setup script, you replace the "[blah]" with "lib/natives"
This is a Gradle build script for automatically downloading and setting up a gradle environment on any platform
Because the method described in the course describes using is terrible and involves manually installing and setting up everything