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minitest-handler cookbook

Build Status

License: Apache 2.0
Copyright: 2012 Opscode, Inc.
Author: Bryan McLellan
Author: Bryan W. Berry


This cookbook utilizes the minitest-chef-handler project to facilitate cookbook testing. By default, minitest-handler will collect all the tests in your cookbook_path and run them.

minitest-chef-handler project:
stable minitest-handler cookbook:
minitest-handler cookbook development:

Note: Version 0.1.8 deprecated use of files/default/tests/minitest/*_test.rb and the location of support files. Test files should now be located in files/default/test/*_test.rb

Note: Version 0.1.0 added a change that breaks backward compatibility. The minitest-handler now only loads
test files named "_test.rb" rather than all test files in the path files/default/test/*_test.rb

If you have any helper libraries, they should match files/default/test/*helper*.rb


  • node[:minitest][:gem_version] - The version of the minitest gem to install and use.
    • Default: 3.0.1
  • node[:minitest][:chef_handler_gem_version] - The version of the minitest-chef-handler gem to install and use.
    • Default: 1.0.3
  • node[:minitest][:chef_handler_gem_source] - Alternate remote source for the minitest-chef-handler gem if not using')
    • Default:
  • node[:minitest][:ci_reporter_gem_version] - The version of the ci_reporter gem to install and use.
    • Default: 1.9.2
  • node[:minitest][:path] - Location to store and find test files.
    • Default: /var/chef/minitest
  • node[:minitest][:recipes] - The names of all recipes included during the chef run, whether by insertion to the run_list, inclusion through a role, or added with include_recipe. If you only want tests for select recipes to run, override this value with the names of the recipes that you want tested.
    • Default: []
  • node[:minitest][:filter] - Filter test names on a pattern (regex)
    • Default: nil
    • Example: /apache2/ could be used to only run tests for recipes starting with apache2
  • node[:minitest][:seed] - Set random seed
    • Default: nil
  • node[:minitest][:ci_reports] - Path to write out the result of each test in a JUnit-compatible XML file, parseable by many CI platforms
    • Default: nil
  • node[:minitest][:tests] - Test files to run.
    • Default to **/*_test.rb
  • node[:minitest][:verbose] - Display verbose output
    • Default: true


  • Add recipe[minitest-handler] somewhere on your run_list, preferably last
  • Place tests in files/default/test/ with the name your-recipe-name_test.rb (default recipe is named default_test.rb)
  • Put any helper functions you have in files/default/test/spec_helper.rb but minitest-handler will ensure that you have access to any file that matches the glob files/test/*helper.rb



Traditional minitest

class TestApache2 < MiniTest::Chef::TestCase
  def test_that_the_package_installed
    case node[:platform]
    when "ubuntu","debian"
      assert system('apt-cache policy apache2 | grep Installed | grep -v none')

  def test_that_the_service_is_running
    assert system('/etc/init.d/apache2 status')

  def test_that_the_service_is_enabled
    assert File.exists?(Dir.glob("/etc/rc5.d/S*apache2").first)

Using minitest/spec

require 'minitest/spec'

describe_recipe 'ark::test' do

  it "installed the unzip package" do

  it "dumps the correct files into place with correct owner and group" do
    file("/usr/local/foo_dump/foo1.txt").must_have(:owner, "foobarbaz").and(:group, "foobarbaz")


For more detailed examples, see here

Testing this cookbook

This cookbook currently uses test-kitchen along with the kitchen-vagrant.

All test are currently written using BATS, which is essentially bash. Using BATS was done so that minitest-handler nor minitest-chef-handler were used to test itself. For more examples of bats than are in this cookbook, see the chef-rvm, chef-ruby_build, and chef-rbenv cookbooks.

NOTE A known limitation of using BATS is that the cookbook is not currently tested on Windows machines. See #45 for more of the background on this.


This cookbook uses an 'even number' release strategy. The version number in master will always be an odd number indicating development, and an even number will be used when an official build is released.

Come release time here is the checklist:

  • Ensure the metadata.rb reflects the proper even numbered release
  • Ensure there is a dated change log entry in
  • Commit all the changes
  • Use stove to release (bundle exec stove)
  • Bump the version in metadata.rb to the next patch level odd number
