The buda IIIF image server, based on hymir.
See for a description of the API and the different ways to access an image.
Two profiles are available : PROD
or local
, they can be customized in /src/main/resources/application.yml
Follow these instructions:
A config path should be set to indicate where to find
(see templates in the root dir of this repo).
In addition, a server-specific Spring config is passed in the application.yml
file (see template in the root dir of this repo).
in the buda-iiif-server directory, run:
mvn clean package
then using your favorite port and profile (here 8080 and "local"), run:
java -Dserver.port=8080 -Diiifserv.configpath=/your/config/path/ -Dspring.config.location=file:/your/spring/config/pathFor/application.yml -jar target/buda-hymir-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-exec.jar
You must implement de.digitalcollections.core.backend.impl.file.repository.resource.resolver.S3Resolver
if you wish to use a different identifier format (see Bdrcs3Resolver
for BDRC's identifer format).