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Releases: buddhi1980/mandelbulber2

Continuous build

29 Sep 18:36
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Release build (2.33-dev)

30 Sep 18:25
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Mandelbulber v2 2.32

25 Aug 13:23
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New in 2.32

  • Added new fractal formulas

  • modified fractal formulas
    aboxModKali, added aux.color
    aboxMod1, add R power iter controls
    aboxMod13, add missing xyz plane checkbox
    amazingSurfMulti, fix enable aux.color
    benesiPineTree, rework code
    benesiT1PineTree, remove post offset iter controls (no code)
    josKleinian, added more aux.color
    mandelboxMenger, z.z scale now works with rotation of separate planes
    mandelboxVaryScale4d, add missing parab checkbox
    menger4d, added aux.color
    menger4dMod1, added aux.color
    menger4dMod2, added aux.color
    pseudoKleinian, fix code and add aux.color
    pseudoKleinianMod1, fix code and add aux.color
    pseudoKleinianMod1, add iter controls to sphere inversion
    pseudoKleinianMod2, fix code and correct UI
    pseudoKleinianStdDE, fix code and add aux.color
    transfDELinearCube, add mix option
    transfQuaternionFold, add customDE option
    transfScaleVaryV212, fix DE
    transfSphericalInv, fix modes
    transfSphericalFoldParab, fixed reverse offset, update aux.color, add mode 2
    transfSphericalFoldXYZBias, correct and update aux.color
    transfSurfBoxFold, fix and update aux.color
    transfSurfFoldMulti, fix and update aux.color
    transfHybridColor2, fix parameter and add color tiling

  • Shaders: Added Perlin noise texture mapping for:

    • color
    • luminosity
    • transparency opacity
    • transparency color
    • reflectance
    • displacement
    • subsurface scattering
  • Shaders: Added illumination of fog by MC GI

  • Shadera: Added option for relative center position for orbit trap lights

  • Shaders: Added option for three different colors of orbit trap lights

  • UI: Added more control for precission of sliders

  • UI: Added selection for mouse dragging modes

  • UI: Added option for precise mouse dragging

  • OpenCL: Added custom OpenCL cache

  • Animatiion: Added slider for animation browsing

  • Primitives: Fixed bug in bonding of primitives and shapes of volumetric effects. There could be out of index error.

  • Files: Added touch() when thumbnails are loaded. It avoids deletion of thumbnails which are frequently used

  • Compilation: Windows version updated to Qt 6.7

Mandelbulber v2 2.31-1

13 Feb 16:02
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New in 2.31-1

  • Scripts: Added Delete Script button
  • Scripts: Added possibility to omit script evaluation by adding # character as a first letter of the script
  • Scripts: Fixed bug in scripts evaluation. Commas were replaced by dots in a whole script. Now it is replaced only in a value field.
  • Scripts: Added missing recalculation of camera rotation after processing scripts
  • Scripts: Added missing refreshing of parameters values in gPar when Script editor is opened and Test used
  • OpenCL: Program crashed when Pixel Level Optimization was off
  • UI: Fixed problem with missing error messages at program startup
  • Files: Fixed problem with wrong default directories on Linux

Mandelbulber v2 2.31

20 Jan 15:16
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New in version 2.31

  • Added new fractal formulas

  • modified fractal formulas
    msltoeSym3Mod5 add boxfold
    sphereCluster update DE calc, add void mode
    transfSphericalInvV2, add DE tweak
    transfSphericalInvC, add prev2.17 code

  • Scripts: added possibility to attach Java Script one-line scripts to the fractal parameters

  • Effects: primitive objects can be used to define shape of volumetric effects like basic fog or clouds

  • Effects: basic fog can cast / receive shadows

  • Effects: added Rayleigh scattering to volumetric effects which cast / receive shadows

  • Fractals: fixed problem with calculation of negative power bulbs

  • Shaders: Improved quality of volumetric effects in MC mode

  • Shaders: Added transparency (alpha) texture mapping for surface transparency and subsurface scattering

  • Shaders: Added transparency color texture mapping for subsurface scattering

  • UI: Added dialog with allows to substitute missing textures by selecting file, searching or using default one.

  • UI: Fixed bug causing UI glitches when auto-refresh is enabled and one of parameters from custom formula is edited

  • UI: Added "Copy parameter name" action in context menu for any parameter

  • UI: Fixed bug leading to stack overflow when user rotated mouse wheel very fast and long.

  • Performance: added parallel processing of already rendered tiles which improves speed of MC rendering.

  • Performance: Removed option for reserving GPU time for the system (it caused significant CPU load on Windows and slowed down rendering)

  • OpenCL: Fixed illegal memory access in cOpenClEngine::Build()

  • NetRender: Corrected sending settings to NetRender client (e.g. there was missing OpenCL mode)

  • Files: Added deletion of history files older than one year

  • Files: Corrected default path for textures

  • Installation: corrected icon name in mandelbulber2.desktop

  • Compilation: corrected script for building MacOs version

Mandelbulber v2 2.30

09 Jul 19:11
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Version 2.30 introduces new user interface for loading settings file. The Thumbnail Browser allows to browse files with the previews and short descriptions (used fractals, effects).
This versions fixes program stability issues caused by bugs in OpenCL MC algorithm.
As always there is nice set of new fractal formulas and transforms.

New in 2.30:

  • Added new fractal formulas:

  • modified fractal formulas:
    mengerV3, update abs(z) enabled default, and other things
    transfDIFSBox add auxColor
    transfDIFSBoxFrame add auxColor
    transfDIFSGrid add auxColor
    transfDIFSHextgrid2 add auxColor
    transfDIFSHexprism add auxColor
    transfDIFSPrism add auxColor
    transfDIFSTriGrid add auxColor
    transfDIFSTorus add auxColor
    transfDIFSTorusGrid add auxColor

  • UI: Added Thumbnail Browser for easy browsing of settings

  • UI: Replaced standard file browser for examples with new Thumbnail Browser

  • UI: Thumbnaiils on the toolbar which do not have MC effects are rendered with CPU

  • UI: Thumbnails will be no longer re-rendered with program version change

  • OpenCL: fixed bug causing crash of OpenCL rendering when pixel sequence had zero length

  • OpenCL: fixed bug causing dark pixels in MC mode

  • Preferences: Added option to enable/disable console output

  • Preferences: fixed bug causing crash when Preferendes window was opened during OpenCL computation

  • Performance: fixed bug causing slower rendering of MC effects

Mandelbulber v2 2.29

08 Apr 07:07
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In the version 2.29 there was focus on performance improvements of MC rendering and anti-aliasing. Now rendering takes about 50-70% of time in compare with previous versions.
Next big change is new primitive object manager. New UI for them is now similar to this for light sources.
As always you will find many new fractal formulas and transforms.
Of course there is a lot of more smaller improvements which are listed below.

New in 2.29

  • Added new fractal formulas

  • modified fractal formulas
    mandelbulbTails, update
    mandelbulbTailsV2, update
    mengerSponge3, add aux.color
    mengerPolyFold, add aux.color
    mengerChebyshev, add aux.color
    transfAbsAddConstant, add boxtiling addCpixel
    transfAddSphericalInvert, update
    transfBoxTiling4d, add boxtiling addCpixel, remove diminish test
    transfBoxTilingV2, add boxtiling addCpixel
    transfBoxWrap4d, add boxwrap addCpixel, remove diminish test
    transfCayley2V1, update
    transfMengerFoldV2, update
    transfRotateAboutVec3, optimise and add mode2

  • Fractals: Added maxiter control for each formula in boolean mode

  • Fractals: Added smooth DE combine

  • Performance: optimized performance of anti-aliasing and MC effects (masking of pixel within tiles, improved pixel sequence)

  • Shaders: added soft shadows mode for sub surface scattering in MC mode

  • Shaders: Added parameter to control amount of emitted light by luminosity effect

  • Shaders: Fixed bug in ambient occlusion effect and iteration fog

  • Shaders: Fixed problem with global positioning of primitives and textures

  • Primitives: Modified UI for managing primitive objects (to be like for light sources)

  • Primitives: Added button for duplicating of primitives

  • Primitives: Added wire-frame previews for primitives

  • Primitives: Added possibility to drag primitives using mouse pointer

  • Primitives: Added buttons: Enable all, Disable all, Only selected in the primitive manager

  • Primitives: Added option to rename primitives (context menu on tab)

  • Primitives: Added primitive prism

  • Primitives: Added bounding boxes for individual primitives

  • Primitives: Reworked icons for primitives

  • UI: Added warning message when attempt to stop render when rendering took already 10 minutes

  • UI: fixed bug in calculation of clipping plane for wire-frame objects

  • UI: Added switch to change precision of pop-up sliders

  • UI: Added option to rename light sources (context menu on tab)

  • UI: Improved visibility of the cross-hair

  • Files: corrected saving of multichannel EXR images

  • Compilation: msvc updated to version 2019 and Qt 5.15

  • Compilation: code updated for Qt6 compatibility

Release build (2.28)

14 Jul 17:04
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New in 2.28:

  • Added new fractal formulas

  • modified fractal formulas
    mengerSponge, add aux.color
    transfAbsAddConditional, fix scale yz
    transfMengerFold, add aux.color
    transfDIFSBox added rounding
    transfDIFSBoxV3 fixed rounding
    transfSphericalPwrFold fix openCL pow
    transfBenesiT5b fix openCL pow
    benesiMagTransforms fix openCL pow

  • UI: Added support for high DPI displays

  • UI: Improved sliders for integer values (issue #481)

  • UI: Fixed issue #911. Zero button didn't reset SpinBoxes

  • Files: Added auto-save of settings to mandelbulber/history folder

  • Files: Added option to save fractal setting together with the image

  • Files: Added option to remember default settings

  • Files: Added options to save additional image channels:

    • shadows
    • global illumination
    • not denoised image
  • Lights: Added option to set light cone direction defined by target point

  • Lights: Added option for rendering light beams

  • Lights: Issue #398. Implemented more color control for random lights

  • Rendering: Improved initial conditions for anti-aliasing (implemented simple edge detection)

  • Shaders: Added gamma correction option for background textures (important for HDRi textures)

  • Shaders: Added cloud speed animation parameter and envolving of clouds shape in animation

  • Shaders: Added "Shartp edges" mode to clouds algorithm which make them more realistic.

  • Shaders: Added "Cast shadows" option to the Fog based on distance

  • Fractals: Fixed problem with wrong shape calculation when used DIFS fractals (without bailout) and limits enabled

  • Rendering: Fixed bug causing incorrect rendering of stereoscopic images on NetRender client

  • Navigator: Fixed bug #909. Disabled error messages in the Navigator

  • OpenCL: Fixed problem with hanging OpenCL kernels when used transparency. There was the possibility of infinite loop.

  • OpenCL: Added rendering of separate image channels to the rendering kernels

  • Mac: Fixed error causing OpenCL kernel error on Apple Silicon

  • Performance: Rewritten rendering of volumetric effects. Now all effects will be calculated in a one loop for light sources.

Mandelbulber v2 2.27

18 Feb 17:54
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New in 2.27

  • Added new fractal formulas


  • modified fractal formulas
    amazingSurfM3d, fix cylindrical fold, rot now matrix
    benesi, added checkbox to disable one condition
    mandelbulbPow2V3, fix bailout
    transfRotationM3d, now matrix

  • Navigator: Added Navigator tool which allows to change view and parameters with instant preview

  • Navigator: Upgraded rendering engine to provide progressive rendering in OpenCL mode

  • Navigator: Possible to edit camera, fractal formula, effects and material parameters

  • Shaders: Added subsurface scattering in Material editor (option for transparency)

  • UI: improved behavior of sliders for edit fields

  • UI: added sliders for rotation parameters

  • UI: added shortcut editor in Preferences

  • UI: Now it is possible to use mouse click and dragging starting from the point
    located on the background.

  • UI: Changed mouse wheel function to run without Ctrl key

  • UI: undo is saved with small delay to avoid creating undo levels during mouse

  • UI: Added x2 /2 buttons for Fog based on distance

  • UI: Fixed problems with application hanging when wireframe light preview is enormous

  • UI: Corrected duplicating of light sources (added parameter synchronization before duplicating)

  • UI: Fixed problem with keyboard auto-repeat. It worked only for about 1s.

  • UI: Updated functions for automatic optimal DE calculation

  • UI: Fixed bug: Keyframes disappeared when Queue was rendered

  • Fractals: Corrected logDE calculation (objects were hollow because of calculation errors)

  • Shaders: improved Random() function in OpenCL kernel

  • Shaders: improved estimation of noise level in Monte Carlo mode

  • Shaders: Fixed bug causing artifacts in chromatic aberration post effect

  • Denoiser: added Extreme level to the Denoiser

  • Performance: Added memory cache for textures to speed up loading of them.
    Maximum Cache size can be defined in Preferences

  • Performance: Much improved performance of texture loading

  • Performance: automatic calculation of optimal image refresh rate

  • Performance: Optimized creating of OpenCL contexts for bug number of used GPUs

  • Performance: Much improved performance of Navigator in CPU mode

  • Animation: fixed bug: program crashed when there was less than 4 frames per keyframe

  • Animation: Added automatic deletion of parameters from animation table when primitives are deleted

  • Primitives: fixed problem with incomplete deleting of primitive objects

  • Files: fixed bug: auto-recovery didn't save animation

  • Compilation: Code upgraded to be compatible with Qt 6

  • Compilation: Upgrade build files for linking with OpenEXR 3

Mandelbulber v2 2.26

26 Aug 16:39
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Mandelbulber 2.26 introduced several new interesting features:

  • Denoiser for Monte Carlo rendering
  • Variable number of frames per keyframe
  • Chromatic aberration post effect
  • A lot of new fractal formulas and transforms

Detailed list of changes in 2.26:

  • Added new fractal formulas

  • modified fractal formulas
    mandelnest, added checkbox for aux.dist
    benesi, added z.x conditional offset
    transfParabFold, factorP.w = 0.0;
    pseudoKleinianMod3 add rotation
    transfDIFSHexprism add hollow

  • Animation: Added row in keyframe table with number of frames per keyframe

  • Animation: Implemented interpolation of variable number of frames per keyframe

  • Animation: Added function to add keyframe in between two keyframes (values are interpolated)

  • Animation: Added row in keyframe table with camera speed

  • Animation: Added cubic and steffen interpolations for keyframes (work well with variable frames per keyframe)

  • Animation: Added option to delete rendered frames for chosen keyframe

  • Animation: Added button to add all parameters with non-default value to keyframe animation

  • Animation: Added option to copy value from selected cell to all keyframes

  • Animation: Added option to multiply or add value to selected range of cells in keyframe editor

  • Animation: Texture image sequences no longer need to start from 00000

  • Animation: Implemented saving of image frames by separate CPU thread.

  • Animation: Fixed bug #871: removing and re-adding parameter to animation table put wrong default value for parameter

  • AnimBySound: Added possibility to move keyframes in AudioSelector (dragging on the ruller)

  • AnimBySound: Added "sound delay" option in AnimBySound. Can be used to render part of animation which starts from the middle of sound

  • Shaders: Added advanced Denoiser for Monte Carlo rendering (uses zbuffer, surface normals, noise statistics)

  • Shaders: Added chromatic aberration as a post filter

  • Lights: Fixed bug in rendering of MC soft shadows for directional lights

  • OpenCL: Added rendering of HDR Blur with OpenCL

  • UI: Corrected size of color buttons and preview in load settings window for high DPI displays

  • UI: Reset View now works properly when primitive water or plane are used

  • UI: Corrected polygon counter in Mesh export function

  • UI: Added option to change path to toolbar folder (issue #813)

  • Shaders: Fixed bug in RayRecursion - there was uninitialized normal vector

  • Shaders: Fixed issue #851 - post effects were not updated when DOF was updated

  • Fractals: Changed default detail level to 2

  • Settings: Corrected loading of angle of main light from settings version <2.25

  • Settings: Fixed problem with loading wrong version of INI file

  • Settings: Fixed bug: sometimes was wrong image proportion after loading settings (issue #847)

  • Settings: First and last frame to render parameters weren't loaded properly (issue #863)

  • Randomizer: Fixed bug #867. Starting of Randomizer didn't refreshed all parameters

  • Randomizer: issue #872: randomizer stops actual rendering and disables auto-refresh

  • Compilation: Travis CI switched to xenial and Qt 5.91

  • Compilation: add ArchLinux docker build with OpenCL support (issue #839)

  • Files: corrected file names in cache for ResourceHttpProvider

  • Examples: Updated examples to use denoiser

  • Fixed bug: program crashed when gamepad was disconnected