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Lets you create scheduled jobs. Unlike other packages, it uses the power of the cronti package. So you don't need to master crontime expressions to create scheduled jobs.


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Lets you create scheduled jobs. Unlike other packages, it uses the power of the cronti package. So you don't need to master crontime expressions to create scheduled jobs.

Unlike other packages that do similar work, it does not require mastery of crontime expressions. In this regard, other packages also have date input support. But you have to calculate and enter this date yourself. You don't need to do such a calculation in the cronjo package. Because it uses the power of the cronti package.

With the power of the cronti package, you can create scheduled jobs with scheduling/timing expressions used in daily life.


Using npm:

npm i cronjo # Locale Install. For use in spesific project.
npm i -g cronjo # Global Install. For use in general projects.

Note: Add --save if you are using npm < 5.0.0

Quick Start

// Include Package
const cronjo = require("cronjo")

// Create Scheduled Job
let schedule = cronjo((scheduleId) => { console.log("OK", scheduleId) }, "19 * * * *")

// Available Features

// Scheduled Jobs

// Helper Functions
console.log(cronjo({method: "HELPERS" /* OR method: -1*/}))

With the cronti package features:

// Include Package
const cronjo = require("cronjo")

// Create Scheduled Job to Run Regularly Between Two Dates
let schedule = cronjo({
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onIntervalTime" // OR -> method: 1
}, "2022-04-25T09:30:00.000Z", "2022-05-15T09:30:00.000Z")

// Create Scheduled Job with Valid Crontime Expression
let schedule = cronjo({
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onCrontime" // OR -> method: 3
}, "0 2 * * *")

// Create Scheduled Job for a Specific Date
let schedule = cronjo({
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onDate" // OR -> method: 4
}, "2022-05-26T09:30:00.000Z")

// Create Scheduled Job with Various Combinations of Month, Week, Day of the Week, Time, and Tick Parameters
let schedule = cronjo({
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onTime" // OR -> method: 2
}, "0FD", "4M", "2W", "3WD")

// Create Scheduled Job for Week in Date 
let schedule = cronjo({
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onWeek" // OR -> method: 0
}, "2022-05-26T09:30:00.000Z")

// Available Features

// Scheduled Jobs

// Helper Functions
console.log(cronjo({method: "HELPERS" /* OR method: -1*/}))


The cronjo function can take the job function, options, or "HELPERS" in the first parameter, or take no value at all. If it is used with the job function, the crontime expression should be written in the second parameter. If used with options values, the next parameters are filled in accordance with the requirements in the cronti package. If used with "HELPERS" then no parameter input is needed. If no parameter values are sent, all created scheduled jobs are returned.

cronjo(<job(function)|options(object)|"HELPERS"(string)>, <crontime(string)|...args>)


It can be used when you want to use the crontime expression while creating a scheduled job. The job function is entered in the first parameter. A valid crontime expression is entered in the second parameter.

The id of the scheduled job is sent to the job function as a parameter.


Parameter Type Require Description
job Function yes Function of scheduled job
expression String yes The crontime expression to set up the scheduled job

Output (object)

Parameter Type Description
id Number The id of the scheduled job
expression String crontime expression of scheduled job
job Function Function of scheduled job
firstDayOfWeek Number The starting day of the week used to set up the scheduled job
name String Scheduled job name
fireDate Function Function that returns the time when the scheduled job will be triggered
nextDates Function Function that returns a list of times when the scheduled job will be triggered
cancel Function Function that cancels scheduled job


const cronjo = require("cronjo")
cronjo((scheduleId) => { console.log("OK", scheduleId) }, "0 12 * * *")


4 features are offered. These are called method, job, name, and firstDayOfWeek.

Feature Description
method The cronti method to use when creating the scheduled job
job Function of scheduled job
name Scheduled job name
firstDayOfWeek The starting day of the week used to set up the scheduled job


Features brought by cronti package are discussed. The only difference is in the "HELPERS" method. This method returns the helper functions from the cronjo package.

Method Index Name Description
onWeek 0 onWeek Creates scheduled work for the week the date is in
onIntervalTime 1 onIntervalTime Creates a scheduled job that will run periodically between two dates
onTime 2 onTime Creates scheduled work with various combinations of month, week, day of the week, hour, minute and tick
onCrontime 3 onCrontime Creates scheduled job based on current crontime statement
onDate 4 onDate Creates scheduled job for a specific date
HELPERS -1 HELPERS Returns helper functions in cronjo package


Used to create a scheduled job that will be triggered every day in the week of the entered date. Creates the scheduled job that will be triggered before the entered date based on the tick value.

A valid date value must be sent as a parameter. Any numeric value can be used for the tick value.


Parameter Type Require Description
args.<date> Date yes Crontime ifadesi için haftanın tarihi
args.<tick> Number no Tarihten çıkarılacak gün sayıs
args.<firstDayOfWeek> String no Haftanın ilk günü. 0 ile 6 arasında değerler alır. <sayı>FD değerini alır. Varsayılan değer pazartesidir

Output (object)

Parameter Type Description
id Number The id of the scheduled job
expression String crontime expression of scheduled job
job Function Function of scheduled job
firstDayOfWeek Number The starting day of the week used to set up the scheduled job
name String Scheduled job name
fireDate Function Function that returns the time when the scheduled job will be triggered
nextDates Function Function that returns a list of times when the scheduled job will be triggered
cancel Function Function that cancels scheduled job


const cronjo = require("cronjo")
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onWeek" // OR -> method: 0
}, "2022-05-26T09:30:00.000Z")


It is used to create a scheduled job based on the start and end date. According to the Step Parameter, the intervals between two dates are specified. The Step Parameter is used in days, hours, or minutes.

Parameters must have 2 date values. The order of these dates is not important. The smaller startDate will be used as the larger endDate. You can use a string value suitable for the pattern for the Step Parameter.


Parameter Type Require Description
args.<startDate> Date yes Cron start date
args.<endDate> Date yes Cron end date
args.<step> String <.d | .h | .m> no Specifies which steps to run.

Output (object)

Parameter Type Description
id Number The id of the scheduled job
expression String crontime expression of scheduled job
job Function Function of scheduled job
firstDayOfWeek Number The starting day of the week used to set up the scheduled job
name String Scheduled job name
fireDate Function Function that returns the time when the scheduled job will be triggered
nextDates Function Function that returns a list of times when the scheduled job will be triggered
cancel Function Function that cancels scheduled job


const cronjo = require("cronjo")
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onIntervalTime" // OR -> method: 1
}, "2022-04-25T09:30:00.000Z", "2022-05-15T09:30:00.000Z")


It is used to create scheduled work with various combinations such as month, week, day of the week, hour, minute and tick. Only time is a required value. All crontime statements are set according to this time Parameter. The job scheduled by tick value is created to be triggered before the entered date.

  • If only the month(0..11) and week(0,1,2,-1) Parameters are populated, the scheduled job will be created that will be triggered every day from the first day of the week to the last day of that week.
  • If only the month(0..11), week(0,1,2,-1) and weekDays(0..6) parameters are populated, the scheduled job for that day of the week will be created.
  • If only parameter week(0,1,2,-1) is populated, scheduled job will be created that will be triggered every day during that week. Except for the last week of the month(-1).
  • If only the month(0..11) parameter is populated, the scheduled job is created for each day in that month.
  • If only parameter weekDays(0..6) is populated, scheduled job will be created for this week day (Mon,Sl,Wed,Thur,cm,cm,Mon) every month.
  • If only the month(0..11) and weekDays(0..6) parameters are populated, the scheduled job is created for the day of this week of this month.
  • If no Parameters are filled, the scheduled job is created for each day of each month.

A valid month, week, or weekday Parameter value can be sent. Time Parameter can be sent according to the pattern. Any numeric value can be used for the tick value.


Parameter Type Require Description
args.<month> String <..M> no Month for the crontime expression. It takes values between 0 and 11. Gets the value M.
args.<week> String <..W> no Week for the crontime expression. It takes the values 0, 1, 2, and -1. Gets the W value.
args.<weekDays> String <..WD> no The weekdays for the crontime expression. It takes values between 0 and 6. Gets the value of WD.
args.<time> String <dd:mm> no Time for crontime expression(dd:mm)
args.<tick> Number no The number of days to subtract from the date. Must have month and week parameters
args.<firstDayOfWeek> String no The first day of the week. It takes values between 0 and 6. Gets the FD value. The default value is monday

Output (object)

Parameter Type Description
id Number The id of the scheduled job
expression String crontime expression of scheduled job
job Function Function of scheduled job
firstDayOfWeek Number The starting day of the week used to set up the scheduled job
name String Scheduled job name
fireDate Function Function that returns the time when the scheduled job will be triggered
nextDates Function Function that returns a list of times when the scheduled job will be triggered
cancel Function Function that cancels scheduled job


const cronjo = require("cronjo")
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onTime" // OR -> method: 2
}, "0FD", "4M", "2W", "3WD")


Used when there is a scheduled job based on the valid crontime expression.


Parameter Type Require Description
args.<crontime> String yes Crontime expression

Output (object)

Parameter Type Description
id Number The id of the scheduled job
expression String crontime expression of scheduled job
job Function Function of scheduled job
firstDayOfWeek Number The starting day of the week used to set up the scheduled job
name String Scheduled job name
fireDate Function Function that returns the time when the scheduled job will be triggered
nextDates Function Function that returns a list of times when the scheduled job will be triggered
cancel Function Function that cancels scheduled job


const cronjo = require("cronjo")
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onCrontime" // OR -> method: 3
}, "0 2 * * *")


Used when creating a scheduled job based on the entered date value. It is created to repeat every month or just the month of history and every year. It is created to trigger before the entered date according to the tick value.

A valid date value must be sent as a parameter.


Parameter Type Require Description
args.<date> Date yes The date used for the crontime expression
args.<tick> Number no The number of days to subtract from the date. Must have month and week parameters
args.<isMonthOfDate> Boolean no Execute only in month of date

Output (object)

Parameter Type Description
id Number The id of the scheduled job
expression String crontime expression of scheduled job
job Function Function of scheduled job
firstDayOfWeek Number The starting day of the week used to set up the scheduled job
name String Scheduled job name
fireDate Function Function that returns the time when the scheduled job will be triggered
nextDates Function Function that returns a list of times when the scheduled job will be triggered
cancel Function Function that cancels scheduled job


const cronjo = require("cronjo")
    job(scheduleId) { console.log("OK", scheduleId) },
    method: "onDate" // OR -> method: 4
}, "2022-05-26T09:30:00.000Z")


The function to call when the scheduled job is triggered. The id of the scheduled job is sent to this function as a parameter.

The name of the scheduled job.


It is a configuration value used in the creation of the scheduled job. Used to set the starting day of the week. By default, the start is Sunday.


Please give your feedback about the package. Please create issues when you encounter any bugs. I will respond to your feedback as soon as possible.


It is maintained by:

Copyright And License

Copyright Levent Sencer Şahin and other contributors, under the Apache-2.0.


Lets you create scheduled jobs. Unlike other packages, it uses the power of the cronti package. So you don't need to master crontime expressions to create scheduled jobs.








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