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Abstract provides simple development and management for your organization's authorization policy. opa-java-spring-client is a Spring middleware intended for performing authorization requests against PDP(Policy Decision Point)/OPA.

Data Flow



Before you start we recommend completing the onboarding tutorial.

Important note

To simplify the setup process, the following example uses a local PDP instance. If you are already familiar with how to run your PDP, You can also run a PDP on you environment (Dev/Prod, etc).

In that case, don't forget to change the hostname and the port in your code.

Simple usage

Configure the PDP client component by setting the following properties in your


Mandatory configuration -

  1. pdp.hostname: The hostname of the Policy Decision Point (PDP)
  2. pdp.port: The port at which the OPA service is running
  3. pdp.policyPath.path: Full path to the policy (including the rule) that decides whether requests should be authorized

How to get your pdp's hostname and port?

Optional configuration

  1. pdp.enable: Boolean. Whether or not to enable interception of requests for authz. Default is true
  2. pdp.interceptAllEndpoints: Boolean. Whether all endpoints should be intercepted, regardless of whether their associated controllers have a an Authorize annotation or not. Default is true
  3. pdp.ignoreEndpoints: Array. Only set when pdp.interceptAllEndpoints is true: a list of endpoints that shouldn't be intercepted for authz.
  4. pdp.ignoreRegex: Array. Only set when pdp.interceptAllEndpoints is true: a list of regex patterns that match endpoints that shouldn't be intercepted for authz.
  5. pdp.allowOnFailure: Boolean. "Fail open" mechanism to allow access to the API in case the policy engine is not reachable. Default is false.
  6. pdp.readTimeout.milliseconds - Integer. Read timeout for requests in milliseconds. Default is 5000
  7. pdp.connectionTimeout.milliseconds - Integer. Connection timeout in milliseconds. Default is 5000
  8. pdp.retry.maxAttempts - Integer. the maximum number of retry attempts in case a failure occurs. Default is 2.
  9. pdp.retry.backoff.milliseconds - Integer. The number of milliseconds to wait between two consecutive retry attempts. Default is 250

Example usage

Register your PDP as a spring interceptor

    public class Configurer implements WebMvcConfigurer {

        private PdpInterceptor pdpInterceptor;

        public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {

Example implementation in a Spring Controller

    // The Authorize annotation indicates that this request should be be authorized
    // using the PDP request interceptor. The resources supplied in the annotation will be
    // sent on the PDP request as well.
    @Authorize(resources = {"sdk.view"})
    public String sdkExample(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {

        // ... Controller logic 

Or instead use PDPClient directly to issue a request with your own input

    public String sdkExample(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
        Map<String, String> headers = new HashMap<String, String>();
        for (Enumeration<String> headerNames = request.getHeaderNames(); headerNames.hasMoreElements(); ) {
            String header = headerNames.nextElement();
            headers.put(header, request.getHeader(header));

        String[] path = request.getRequestURI().replaceAll("^/|/$", "").split("/");

        //define the input for evaluation
        //In your application, you can put anything you'd like on the input for policy evaluation
        Map<String, Object> input = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        input.put("group", "group1");
        input.put("environment", "staging");
        input.put("role", "admin");

        JsonNode node = null;
        try {
            node = pdpClient.getJsonResponse(input);
        } catch (Throwable throwable) {

        return node.toPrettyString();

Try it out

Run your PDP (OPA) instance (assuming it runs on localhost:8181) and your spring server(localhost:8080).

PDP Request example

This is what the input received by the PDP would look like.


If everything works well you should receive the following response:
