This example pipeline shows you how to annotate your builds with RSpec Junit error information and the buildkite-agent annotate
CLI command (requires buildkite-agent
v3.0-beta.23 or newer).
Test annotations use 2 features within Buildkite:
- The
buildkite-agent annotate
command that allows you add arbiraty HTML and Markdown to the top of a build page - A wait step with
continue_on_failure: true
which tells the pipeline to continue in the event of a failed step
The pipeline.yml
file can be seen here:
Here's the first step:
- label: ":rspec:"
artifact_paths: "tmp/rspec-*.xml"
- "bundle"
- "rspec --format progress --format RspecJunitFormatter --out tmp/rspec-$BUILDKITE_JOB_ID.xml"
- docker#v1.0.0:
image: "ruby:2.4"
workdir: /app
This step runs our "rspec" command within a Ruby docker container, and stores the JUnit XML data to an artifact at "tmp/rspec-f59b96d7-5d75-42a6-ab9b-d4cea59db2b2.xml"
The next step:
- wait: ~
continue_on_failure: true
Tells Buildkite that if there's a failure in the previous stage of the pipeline
(in this case, the "RSpec" tests) that it should continue the pipeline.
Usually, the wait
step will fail the pipeline at this point since there was
an error - but this option changes that behaviour.
- label: ":junit:"
- .buildkite/
The last step is the one that parses our JUnit XML files, and turns them into a Buildkite annotation. Here's the script that creates the actual annotation:
set -euo pipefail
mkdir -p tmp
echo "--- :junit: Download the junits"
buildkite-agent artifact download tmp/rspec-*.xml tmp
echo "--- :junit::ruby: Processing the junits"
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/app" ruby:2.4 bash -c "cd /app && gem install nokogiri --quiet --silent && ruby /app/.buildkite/lib/junit.rb /app/tmp/*.xml" > tmp/
echo "--- :buildkite: Creating annotation"
buildkite-agent annotate --context junit --style error < tmp/
We wrote our JUnit XML parser in Ruby (you can write it in what ever language
you like), but all it does it parse all the rspec-*.xml
files, grabs the
errors, and turns it some HTML that looks like this:
<p>There were 3 failures:</p>
<summary><code>Calculator#multiply multiplies numbers together in spec.lib.calculator_spec</code></summary>
<code><pre>expected: 8
got: 6
(compared using eql?)
./spec/lib/calculator_spec.rb:21:in `block (3 levels) in '</pre></code>
in <a href="#f59b96d7-5d75-42a6-ab9b-d4cea59db2b2">Job #f59b96d7-5d75-42a6-ab9b-d4cea59db2b2</a>
We then pipe that HTML into the buildkite-agent annotate
command and change
the style of annotation to error
so it shows up as red and with a cross in
the Buildkite UI.
- wait
- command: ".buildkite/"
label: ":rocket:"
The final 2 steps demonstrate that the pipeline doesn't continue any further
since there was an error in one of the previous stages. If this wait step also
had continue_on_failure: true
then it would also continue.
See (MIT)