Utilities to manipulate a PDF. Currently focuses on accessibility properties of a document. This is a work in progress.
yarn add 'https://github.com/buildoutinc/pdf-utils'
Run the same command to update.
pdf-utils can be used as a module, or run as a command-line utility.
Command line:
./node_modules/.bin/pdf-utils ARGS
npx pdf-utils ARGS
Print the properties relevant to accessibility:
$ npx pdf-utils INPUT_FILE
Write the properties relevant to accessibility:
Sample JSON (remember to quote the JSON properly for your shell):
{"language": "en", "title": "Your Title Here"}
If you omit the JSON argument, defaults will be used.
Due to a yarn race condiiton, do not add entries under "scripts" in package.json that would be run during installation. While it would be convenient to have TypeScript compiled during install via a "prepare" entry, we'll just need to compile manually and commit the resulting files to the repo.