This concept of the widget is inspired by Nikolay Kuchkarov. Designers asked his what if a user swipes left and will hold such type of button. Could this stepper count faster? I released this version with more functionality in this subject.
import 'package:stepper_counter_swipe/stepper_counter_swipe.dart';
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
child: StepperSwipe(
speedTransitionLimitCount: 3, //Trigger count for fast counting
onChanged: (int value) => print('new value $value'),
firstIncrementDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 250), //Unit time before fast counting
secondIncrementDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 100), //Unit time during fast counting
direction: Axis.horizontal,
dragButtonColor: Colors.blueAccent,
maxValue: 50,
minValue: -10,
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