Cards about ships
- LibreOffice Calc and Writer are used for the open format files.
- A VBA macro is used in the cards spreadsheet to export all cards to csv
- CardMaker is used to create printable card pages from csv. The ".cmp" file is the project file for CardMaker. It is available here:
Some rules:
- All data/content files are plaintext
- Version numbers follow [major revision.minor revision.patch] This is the second versioning scheme. The first used only major and minor revision. Therefore all 3 term versions come after all 2 term versions.
Note on version numbers:
- Major revision refers to a public release version. 1.0 will be the first public release.
- Minor revisions are incompatible with one another, meaning cards have undergone rules changes. The manual of the latest minor revision should be used if playing with cards from mixed patches.
- Patch revisions are used to indicate differences between cards or in the rules. Changes in the rules/manual that do not effect cards require a patch revision tick. ANY change to the game requires at least a patch revision tick.
- Revision numbers are not single digit. After 0-9, they continue 10+. So 0.24.21 is a valid version.
Build instructions:
To print out copy of cards:
- Open data/cards.fods
- Run macro to export all pages to csv
- If you don't want to re-print cards that are unchanged from baseline: Run run_diff.bat to create incremental csvs
- Open cmp project file in CardMaker. You can select incremental (diff_), or other various csv options.
- Export in CardMaker
- If printing a new revision: copy exported csvs into baseline data directory.
To create a tabletop simulator deck:
- NOTE: This is no longer supported as the US/RU deck lists are no longer maintained
- (In CardMaker) File -> Export project to Images
- Use TTS deck editor to create the deck: