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Yet Another i3status replacement written in Go


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Yet Another i3status replacement written in Go.

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  • Instant and independent updating of widgets.
  • Handling click events.
  • Shell scripting widgets and events handlers.
  • Wrapping other status programs (i3status, py3status, conky, etc.).
  • Different widgets on different workspaces.
  • Templates for widgets outputs.
  • Update widget via http/websocket requests.
  • Update widget by POSIX Real-Time Signals (SIGRTMIN-SIGRTMAX).
  • Snippets.
  • Plugins.


go get
mkdir ~/.config/yagostatus
cp $GOPATH/src/ ~/.config/yagostatus/yagostatus.yml

Replace status_command to ~/go/bin/yagostatus --config ~/.config/yagostatus/yagostatus.yml in your i3 config file.

If you using Sway add the --sway parameter.


Yagostatus outputs error messages in stderr, you can log them by redirecting stderr to a file.

status_command exec ~/go/bin/yagostatus --config /path/to/yagostatus.yml 2> /tmp/yagostatus.log


If --config is not specified, yagostatus is looking for yagostatus.yml in $HOME/.config/yagostatus (or $XDG_HOME_CONFIG/yagostatus if set) or in the current working directory.

Yagostatus uses a configuration file in the yaml format.


  - widget: static
    blocks: >
                "full_text": "YaGoStatus",
                "color": "#2e9ef4"
      - button: 1
        command: xdg-open

  - widget: wrapper
    command: /usr/bin/i3status

  - widget: clock
    format: Jan _2 Mon 15:04:05 #
    templates: >
            "color": "#ffffff",
            "separator": true,
            "separator_block_width": 21


Common parameters

  • widget - Widget name.
  • workspaces - List of workspaces to display the widget.


- widget: static
    - "1:www"
    - "2:IM"

  blocks: >
            "full_text": "Visible only on 1:www and 2:IM workspaces"

- widget: static
    - "!1:www"

  blocks: >
            "full_text": "Visible on all workspaces except 1:www"
  • templates - The templates that apply to widget blocks.
  • events - List of commands to be executed on user actions.
    • button - X11 button ID (0 for any, 1 to 3 for left/middle/right mouse button. 4/5 for mouse wheel up/down. Default: 0).
    • modifiers - List of X11 modifiers condition.
    • command - Command to execute (via sh -c). Сlick_event json will be written to stdin. Also env variables are available: $I3_NAME, $I3_INSTANCE, $I3_BUTTON, $I3_MODIFIERS, $I3_{X,Y}, $I3_OUTPUT_{X,Y}, $I3_RELATIVE_{X,Y}, $I3_{WIDTH,HEIGHT}, $I3_MODIFIERS. The clicked widget fields are available as ENV variables with the prefix I3_ (example: $ I3_full_text).
    • workdir - Set a working directory.
    • env - Set environment variables.
    • output_format - The command output format (none, text, json, auto) (default: none).
    • name - Filter by name for widgets with multiple blocks (default: empty).
    • instance - Filter by instance for widgets with multiple blocks (default: empty).
    • override - If true, previously defined events with the same button, modifier, name and instance will be ignored (default: false)


- widget: static
  blocks: >
            "full_text": "Firefox",
            "name": "ff"
            "full_text": "Chrome",
            "name": "ch"
  templates: >
            "color": "#ff8000"
            "color": "#ff3030"
    - button: 1
      command: /usr/bin/firefox
      name: ff

    - button: 1
        - "!Control" # "!" must be quoted
      command: /usr/bin/chrome
      name: ch

    - button: 1
        - Control
      command: /usr/bin/chrome --incognito
      name: ch


Yagostatus supports the inclusion of snippets from files.

  - widget: $ygs-snippets/snip.yaml
    msg: hello world
    color: #00ff00


  msg: "default messsage"
  color: #ffffff
  - widget: static
    blocks: >
                "full_text": "message: ${msg}",
                "color": "${color}"

ygs-snippets/snip.yaml - relative path from the current file.

Widget clock

The clock widget returns the current time in the specified format.

Widget exec

This widget runs the command at the specified interval.

  • command - Command to execute (via sh -c).
  • workdir - Set a working directory.
  • env - Set environment variables.
  • interval - Update interval in seconds (0 to run once at start; -1 for loop without delay; default: 0).
  • retry - Retry interval in seconds if command failed (default: none).
  • silent - Don't show error widget if command failed (default: false).
  • events_update - Update widget if an event occurred (default: false).
  • output_format - The command output format (none, text, json, auto) (default: auto).
  • signal - SIGRTMIN offset to update widget. Should be between 0 and SIGRTMIN-SIGRTMAX.

The current widget fields are available as ENV variables with the prefix I3_ (example: $I3_full_text). For widgets with multiple blocks, an suffix with an index will be added. (example: $I3_full_text, $I3_full_text_1, $I3_full_text_2, etc.)

Use pkill to send signals:

pkill -SIGRTMIN+1 yagostatus

Widget wrapper

The wrapper widget starts the command and proxy received blocks (and click_events). See:

  • command - Command to execute.
  • workdir - Set a working directory.
  • 'env' - Set environment variables.

Widget static

The static widget renders the blocks. Useful for labels and buttons.

  • blocks - JSON List of i3bar blocks.

Widget http

The http widget starts http server and accept HTTP or Websocket requests.

  • network - tcp or unix (default tcp).
  • listen - Hostname and port or path to the socket file to bind (example: localhost:9900, /tmp/yagostatus.sock).
  • path - Path for receiving requests (example: /mystatus/). Must be unique for multiple widgets with same listen.

For example, you can update the widget with the following command:

curl http://localhost:9900/mystatus/ -d '[{"full_text": "hello"}, {"full_text": "world"}]'

Send an empty array to clear:

curl http://localhost:9900/mystatus/ -d '[]'

Unix socket:

curl --unix-socket /tmp/yagostatus.sock localhost/mystatus/ -d '[{"full_text": "hello"}]'



This example shows how you can use custom fields.

  • Left mouse button - increment
  • Right mouse button - decrement
  • Middle mouse button - reset
  - widget: static
    blocks: >
      - command: |
          printf '[{"full_text":"Counter: %d", "_count":%d}]' $((I3__COUNT + 1)) $((I3__COUNT + 1))
        output_format: json
        button: 1
      - command: |
          printf '[{"full_text":"Counter: %d", "_count":%d}]' $((I3__COUNT - 1)) $((I3__COUNT - 1))
        output_format: json
        button: 3
      - command: |
          printf '[{"full_text":"Counter: 0", "_count":0}]'
        output_format: json
        button: 2

Volume control

i3 config:

bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -1%; exec pkill -SIGRTMIN+1 yagostatus
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume exec pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +1%; exec pkill -SIGRTMIN+1 yagostatus
bindsym XF86AudioMute exec pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle; exec pkill -SIGRTMIN+1 yagostatus
  - widget: exec
    command: |
        if [ $(pacmd list-sinks |sed  '1,/* index/d'|grep -E '^\smuted:'|head -n1|awk '{print $2}') = "yes" ]; then
        volume=$(pacmd list-sinks |sed  '1,/* index/d'|grep -E '^\svolume:'|head -n1|awk '{print $5}')
        echo -e '[{"full_text":"♪ '${volume}'","color":"'$color'"}]'

    interval: 0
    signal: 1
    events_update: true
        - button: 1
          command: pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle

        - button: 4
          command: pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +1%

        - button: 5
          command: pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -1%

    templates: >
            "markup": "pango",
            "separator": true,
            "separator_block_width": 21


To get access to weather API you need an APIID. See for details.

Requires jq for json parsing.

  - widget: static
    blocks: >
                "full_text": "Weather:",
                "color": "#2e9ef4",
                "separator": false
  - widget: exec
    command: curl -s ',uk&units=metric&appid=<APPID>'|jq .main.temp
    interval: 300
    templates: >
            "separator": true,
            "separator_block_width": 21

You can use the weather snippet instead.


    - widget: wrapper
      command: /usr/bin/conky -c /home/burik/.config/i3/conky.conf

Specify the full path to conky.conf.

conky.conf (conky 1.10 or higher):

conky.config = {
    out_to_x = false,
    own_window = false,
    out_to_console = true,
    background = false,
    max_text_width = 0,

    -- Update interval in seconds
    update_interval = 1.0,

    -- This is the number of times Conky will update before quitting.
    -- Set to zero to run forever.
    total_run_times = 0,

    -- Shortens units to a single character (kiB->k, GiB->G, etc.). Default is off.
    -- short_units yes

    -- Add spaces to keep things from moving about?  This only affects certain objects.
    -- use_spacer should have an argument of left, right, or none
    use_spacer = 'left',

    -- Force UTF8? note that UTF8 support required XFT
    override_utf8_locale = false,

    -- number of cpu samples to average
    -- set to 1 to disable averaging
    cpu_avg_samples = 3,
    net_avg_samples = 3,
    diskio_avg_samples = 3,

    format_human_readable = true,
    lua_load = '~/.config/i3/conky.lua',

conky.text = [[


{ "full_text": "CPU:", "color": "\#2e9ef4", "separator": false },
{ ${lua_parse cpu cpu1} , "min_width": "100%", "align": "right", "separator": false },
{ ${lua_parse cpu cpu2} , "min_width": "100%", "align": "right", "separator": false },
{ ${lua_parse cpu cpu3} , "min_width": "100%", "align": "right", "separator": false },
{ ${lua_parse cpu cpu4} , "min_width": "100%", "align": "right", "separator": true, "separator_block_width":21 },

{ "full_text": "RAM:", "color": "\#2e9ef4", "separator": false },
{ "full_text": "${mem} / ${memeasyfree}", "color": ${if_match ${memperc}<80}"\#ffffff"${else}"\#ff0000"${endif}, "separator": true, "separator_block_width":21 },

{ "full_text": "sda:", "color": "\#2e9ef4", "separator": false },
{ "full_text": "▼ ${diskio_read sda} ▲ ${diskio_write sda}", "color": "\#ffffff", "separator": true, "separator_block_width":21 },

{ "full_text": "eth0:", "color": "\#2e9ef4", "separator": false },
{ "full_text": "▼ ${downspeed eth0} ▲ ${upspeed eth0}", "color": "\#ffffff", "separator": true, "separator_block_width":21 }




function gradient_red(min, max, val)
  local min = tonumber(min)
  local max = tonumber(max)
  local val = tonumber(val)
  if (val > max) then val = max end
  if (val < min) then val = min end

  local v = val - min
  local d = (max - min) * 0.5
  local red, green

  if (v <= d) then
    red = math.floor((255 * v) / d + 0.5)
    green = 255
    red = 255
    green = math.floor(255 - (255 * (v-d)) / (max - min - d) + 0.5)

  return string.format("%02x%02x00", red, green)

function conky_cpu (cpun)
    local val = tonumber(conky_parse("${cpu " .. cpun .. "}"))
    if val == nil then val = 0 end
    return "\"full_text\": \"" .. val  .. "%\", \"color\": \"\\#" .. gradient_red(0, 100, val) .. "\""


YaGoStatus is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 License.