A LiteX project which builds a SoC with DRAM / HDIM output via the GPDI SYZYGY addon.
- Connect GPDI board to SYZYGY.PORTA
- Connect HDMI Cable to the right-hand port
- Build LiteX project and load bitstream, alt=0
- Load tux image into FLASH, alt=1
dfu-util -D build/butterstick_r1d0/gateware/butterstick_r1d0.dfu --alt 0
dfu-util --device 1209:5af1 --alt 1 -D ../firmware/tux.data --reset
You can use ffmpeg to easily convert a .png/.bmp into a RGB565 binary blob
ffmpeg -vcodec png -i image.png -vcodec rawvideo -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb565 image.data