A collection of quick references and cheat sheets for assisting development.
Examples in the code include placeholders in the format of <identifier>
. Replace these identifiers with your own text.
- Android
- Apache
- Fish
- Git
- Github
- Gmail
- Homebrew
- iOS
- iTerm
- MacOS
- MacPorts
- Mamp
- Media
- Mercurial
- Node
- npm
- nvm
- Obsidian
- React Native
- Rust
- Server
- Slack
- Sourcegraph
- Tools
- Vim
- VS Code
- Yarn
- Checksum and hash utilities
- Command line history
- Command line keyboard shortcuts
- Compress files and folders
- Crontab
- Diff files and folders
- Disk usage and file sizes
- Find and search files
- Firewall configuration
- Help and manual pages
- HostName and Local HostName for Mac OSX
- Navigating the file system
- Network, domains and routing
- Run and manage background tasks
- Secure FTP SFTP and Secure Copy SCP
- Secure Shell SSH
- Sync files and folders
- System and process management
- System and user information
- Useful characters
- Useful commands
- User, file and group permissions
- Working with cURL
- Working with files and directories
- Working with text