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Maarten edited this page Jun 23, 2021 · 12 revisions


A list of useful locations for a variety of administrative goals:

  • VPN - Connect with MU VPN to access library/journals/IMAR/etc.
  • IMAR - Plan and register your holidays (MU-VPN required)
  • CAO Selection Model - The 'CAO' is the government guideline for your employee's contract. You can use your holiday hours for some nice things such as a bike (once in 3 years), sports-subscriptions, and more. Check the site, or ask your colleagues for more info!
  • MyUM - Personal information, salary statements and reimbursements.
  • PhDTrack - As PhD student, you're required to write a project proposal and track progress over time, you can do so here.
  • Intranet - Looking for more information? Try intranet.
  • ICT services - If you have IT related questions, ranging from needing equipment/software to something not working correctly, e-mail our ICT service. They are really helpful :). This e-mail is the general IT department of FHML. For a list of all different IT services, see here

! If you can't access the webpage, make sure to login to the university network via the VPN

Courses for PhD students

As Phd student, you're required to spent 10% of our hours on education. Therefore you need to follow the introduction to PBL course

Doing clinical-related and/or WMO research? Then you also need to complete the eBROK. Discuss with your (co-)promotor for applying and reimbursments.

Organizational structure

It might be helpful to understand the different faculties, schools and research groups. Maastricht university (MU), as any university, consists of different faculties and we are located under the Faculty of health, medicine and life sciences (FHML). FHML then houses different research schools where we are affiliated to the School for Mental Health and Neuroscience (MHeNs). MHeNs houses three different research lines:

  • Division 1 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry & Clinical neuroscience
  • Division 2 - Mental Health
  • Division 3 - Neuroscience. <-- You are here.

To make it more complicated, you're part of the MU neurosurgery group, which is also part of the Maastricht University Medical Center+ (MUMC+). Note that MUMC+ is the name for the combined institute including the UM and the academisch ziekenhuis (academic hospital) Maastricht (azM). Since 'MUMC+' is used to promote ourselves to the outside world, but the legal institution is still azM, you will see both names coming by. Don't worry, this is a technical story, but then at least you have heard of it.

To make this more practical, you can affiliate yourselve as: "Department of neurosurgery, School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Maastricht University". For internal registration you can often just use MHeNs, div 3.

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