Clone this repo:
git clone
cd serverless-labs
Setup Helm
# Install Tiller into your cluster
helm init
# List the pods in the "kube-system" namespace and look for the tiller pod
kubectl -n kube-system get pods
Make sure the tiller pod is "Running"
Install Fission
# Install Fission into your cluster in the fission namespace using Helm
helm install --name fission --namespace fission --set serviceType=NodePort,routerServiceType=NodePort
# Download the fission CLI tool and put it in you path
curl -Lo ../fission && chmod +x ../fission && sudo mv ../fission /usr/local/bin/
# Create generic Ingress rule for Fission
kubectl -n fission apply -f setup/ingress.yaml
# List all of the pods in the fission namespace
kubectl -n fission get pods
Make sure the fission router and controller are running
Deploy your hello world function:
# First create your ENV
fission env create --name python --image fission/python-env
# Second upload your code
fission fn create --name hello --env python --code fission/
# Third Expose your function
fission route create --name hello --function hello --url /hello
Now check your function by browsing in you browser to http://$your-ip/hello
Deploy the guest book app:
# Create a Redis pod for persistent storage
kubectl apply -f fission/guestbook/redis.yaml
# Upload your get guestbook fucntion
fission function create --name guestbook-get --env python --code fission/guestbook/
# Create a route to the get guestbook function
fission route create --name guestbook-get --function guestbook-get --url /guestbook --method GET
# Upload your add to guestbook function
fission function create --name guestbook-add --env python --code fission/guestbook/
# Create a route to your add to guestbook function
fission route create --name guestbook-add --function guestbook-add --url /guestbook --method POST
Now checkout your guestbook http://$your-ip/guestbook