I2C SCL 19
I2C SDA 18
PPM in (receiver) 3
Rotor 1 22
Rotor 2 23
Rotor 3 9
Rotor 4 10
Rotor 5 6
Rotor 6 20
Rotor 7 21
Rotor 8 5
Orientation lights / Armed-Disarmed indicator 14
Battery Monitor (current sensor) 17
- Initial raw data from sensors (read every 1ms = 1000Hz) is being averaged by a simple averaging filter
- Averaged data from sensors are being processed every 10ms (100Hz)
- CMP kinematitcs (my own) selected by default
- ARG kinematics (from aeroquad) is also supported (can be enabled by simple include change)
- DCM kinematics (from FreeIMU)
- Flight controller supports
- Rate (ACRO) | gyro only
- Attitude | gyro with accel corrections
- Altitute hold | barometer or sonar
- Pilot commands are being read by PPM sampling code via single PIN (with HW timer), both PPM and PWM in is supported
- Stabilization and pilot commands are mixed together by 2 separate PID controllers
- First (only used in attitude mode) mixes pilot commands with kinematics output
- Second (used in both attitude and rate mode) mixes output from first PID or raw stick input with gyroRate output
- For ESC signal output i am using an build in 8 channel FLEX timer (yes you can controll octocopter with this)
- ESC PWM signal supports both 250Hz and 400Hz update rate (running at 400Hz by default)
- While in dis-armed state
- To enter the trimming mode = Throttle stick UP & Rudder LEFT
- To adjust the values = PITCH UP & DOWN || ROLL LEFT & RIGHT
- To save the values in EEPROM = Throttle UP & Rudder RIGHT
- (you dont have to save the values right away, you can test them, then return back to trimming mode and save them)
- To leave trimming mode = Throttle stick DOWN