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philderbeast committed Jan 17, 2024
1 parent 6046b12 commit fc87c29
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Showing 6 changed files with 135 additions and 119 deletions.
15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions cabal-install-solver/src/Distribution/Solver/Modular.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Flag
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.IndexConversion
( convPIs )
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Message (PrettyConstraintFailure(..))
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Log
( SolverFailure(..), displayLogMessages )
import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Package
Expand All @@ -55,13 +56,12 @@ import Distribution.Simple.Utils
( ordNubBy )
import Distribution.Verbosity

-- | Ties the two worlds together: classic cabal-install vs. the modular
-- solver. Performs the necessary translations before and after.
modularResolver :: SolverConfig -> DependencyResolver loc
modularResolver sc (Platform arch os) cinfo iidx sidx pkgConfigDB pprefs pcs pns =
modularResolver :: PrettyConstraintFailure -> SolverConfig -> DependencyResolver loc
modularResolver p sc (Platform arch os) cinfo iidx sidx pkgConfigDB pprefs pcs pns =
uncurry postprocess <$> -- convert install plan
solve' sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns
solve' p sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns
-- Indices have to be converted into solver-specific uniform index.
idx = convPIs os arch cinfo gcs (shadowPkgs sc) (strongFlags sc) (solveExecutables sc) iidx sidx
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,21 +113,22 @@ modularResolver sc (Platform arch os) cinfo iidx sidx pkgConfigDB pprefs pcs pns
-- Using the full log from a rerun of the solver ensures that the log is
-- complete, i.e., it shows the whole chain of dependencies from the user
-- targets to the conflicting packages.
solve' :: SolverConfig
solve' :: PrettyConstraintFailure
-> SolverConfig
-> CompilerInfo
-> Index
-> PkgConfigDb
-> (PN -> PackagePreferences)
-> Map PN [LabeledPackageConstraint]
-> Set PN
-> Progress String String (Assignment, RevDepMap)
solve' sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns =
solve' p sc cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns =
toProgress $ retry (runSolver printFullLog sc) createErrorMsg
runSolver :: Bool -> SolverConfig
-> RetryLog String SolverFailure (Assignment, RevDepMap)
runSolver keepLog sc' =
displayLogMessages keepLog $
displayLogMessages p keepLog $
solve sc' cinfo idx pkgConfigDB pprefs gcs pns

createErrorMsg :: SolverFailure
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions cabal-install-solver/src/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Log.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,12 +20,13 @@ data SolverFailure =
-- | Postprocesses a log file. This function discards all log messages and
-- avoids calling 'showMessages' if the log isn't needed (specified by
-- 'keepLog'), for efficiency.
displayLogMessages :: Bool
displayLogMessages :: PrettyConstraintFailure
-> Bool
-> RetryLog Message SolverFailure a
-> RetryLog String SolverFailure a
displayLogMessages keepLog lg = fromProgress $
displayLogMessages p keepLog lg = fromProgress $
if keepLog
then showMessages progress
then showMessages p progress
else foldProgress (const id) Fail Done progress
progress = toProgress lg
98 changes: 43 additions & 55 deletions cabal-install-solver/src/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Message.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Message (
) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,6 +35,12 @@ import Distribution.Solver.Types.Progress
import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName

data PrettyConstraintFailure =
{ prettyConstraintVersionFailure :: VR -> ConstraintSource -> String
, prettyConstraintFrom :: ConstraintSource -> String

data Message =
Enter -- ^ increase indentation level
| Leave -- ^ decrease indentation level
Expand All @@ -50,8 +57,8 @@ data Message =
-- The log contains level numbers, which are useful for any trace that involves
-- backtracking, because only the level numbers will allow to keep track of
-- backjumps.
showMessages :: Progress Message a b -> Progress String a b
showMessages = go 0
showMessages :: PrettyConstraintFailure -> Progress Message a b -> Progress String a b
showMessages p = go 0
-- 'go' increments the level for a recursive call when it encounters
-- 'TryP', 'TryF', or 'TryS' and decrements the level when it encounters 'Leave'.
Expand All @@ -64,9 +71,9 @@ showMessages = go 0
go !l (Step (TryP qpn i) (Step Enter (Step (Skip conflicts) (Step Leave ms)))) =
goPSkip l qpn [i] conflicts ms
go !l (Step (TryF qfn b) (Step Enter (Step (Failure c fr) (Step Leave ms)))) =
(atLevel l $ blurbQFNBool Rejecting qfn b ++ showFR c fr) (go l ms)
(atLevel l $ blurbQFNBool Rejecting qfn b ++ showFR p c fr) (go l ms)
go !l (Step (TryS qsn b) (Step Enter (Step (Failure c fr) (Step Leave ms)))) =
(atLevel l $ blurbQSNBool Rejecting qsn b ++ showFR c fr) (go l ms)
(atLevel l $ blurbQSNBool Rejecting qsn b ++ showFR p c fr) (go l ms)
go !l (Step (Next (Goal (P _ ) gr)) (Step (TryP qpn' i) ms@(Step Enter (Step (Next _) _)))) =
(atLevel l $ blurbOption Trying qpn' i ++ showGR gr) (go l ms)
go !l (Step (Next (Goal (P qpn) gr)) (Step (Failure _c UnknownPackage) ms)) =
Expand All @@ -89,7 +96,7 @@ showMessages = go 0
showPackageGoal qpn gr = "next goal: " ++ showQPN qpn ++ showGR gr

showFailure :: ConflictSet -> FailReason -> String
showFailure c fr = "fail" ++ showFR c fr
showFailure c fr = "fail" ++ showFR p c fr

-- special handler for many subsequent package rejections
goPReject :: Int
Expand All @@ -104,7 +111,7 @@ showMessages = go 0
-- By prepending (i : is) we reverse the order of the instances.
goPReject l qpn (i : is) c fr ms
goPReject l qpn is c fr ms =
(atLevel l $ blurbOptions Rejecting qpn (reverse is) ++ showFR c fr)
(atLevel l $ blurbOptions Rejecting qpn (reverse is) ++ showFR p c fr)
(go l ms)

-- Handle many subsequent skipped package instances.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,64 +301,45 @@ showGR :: QGoalReason -> String
showGR UserGoal = " (user goal)"
showGR (DependencyGoal dr) = " (dependency of " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"

showFR :: ConflictSet -> FailReason -> String
showFR _ (UnsupportedExtension ext) = " (conflict: requires " ++ showUnsupportedExtension ext ++ ")"
showFR _ (UnsupportedLanguage lang) = " (conflict: requires " ++ showUnsupportedLanguage lang ++ ")"
showFR _ (MissingPkgconfigPackage pn vr) = " (conflict: pkg-config package " ++ prettyShow pn ++ prettyShow vr ++ ", not found in the pkg-config database)"
showFR _ (NewPackageDoesNotMatchExistingConstraint d) = " (conflict: " ++ showConflictingDep d ++ ")"
showFR _ (ConflictingConstraints d1 d2) = " (conflict: " ++ L.intercalate ", " ( showConflictingDep [d1, d2]) ++ ")"
showFR _ (NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (does not contain " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ ", which is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ (NewPackageHasPrivateRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (" ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " is private, but it is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ (NewPackageHasUnbuildableRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (" ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " is not buildable in the current environment, but it is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ (PackageRequiresMissingComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component does not exist)"
showFR _ (PackageRequiresPrivateComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component is private)"
showFR _ (PackageRequiresUnbuildableComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component is not buildable in the current environment)"
showFR _ CannotReinstall = " (avoiding to reinstall a package with same version but new dependencies)"
showFR _ NotExplicit = " (not a user-provided goal nor mentioned as a constraint, but reject-unconstrained-dependencies was set)"
showFR _ Shadowed = " (shadowed by another installed package with same version)"
showFR _ (Broken u) = " (package is broken, missing dependency " ++ prettyShow u ++ ")"
showFR _ UnknownPackage = " (unknown package)"

showFR _ (GlobalConstraintVersion vr src) = case src of
ConstraintSourceProjectConfig projectConfig ->
( showString " (constraint from project requires "
. showString (prettyShow vr)
. showChar ')'
-- SEE:
. foldr1 (.)
[(showString "\n " . showString l)
| l <- lines $ showProjectConfigPath projectConfig
. showString " requires "
. showString (prettyShow vr)
) ""
_ ->
" (" ++ constraintSource src ++ " requires " ++ prettyShow vr ++ ")"

showFR _ (GlobalConstraintInstalled src) = " (" ++ constraintSource src ++ " requires installed instance)"
showFR _ (GlobalConstraintSource src) = " (" ++ constraintSource src ++ " requires source instance)"
showFR _ (GlobalConstraintFlag src) = " (" ++ constraintSource src ++ " requires opposite flag selection)"
showFR _ ManualFlag = " (manual flag can only be changed explicitly)"
showFR c Backjump = " (backjumping, conflict set: " ++ showConflictSet c ++ ")"
showFR _ MultipleInstances = " (multiple instances)"
showFR c (DependenciesNotLinked msg) = " (dependencies not linked: " ++ msg ++ "; conflict set: " ++ showConflictSet c ++ ")"
showFR c CyclicDependencies = " (cyclic dependencies; conflict set: " ++ showConflictSet c ++ ")"
showFR _ (UnsupportedSpecVer ver) = " (unsupported spec-version " ++ prettyShow ver ++ ")"
showFR :: PrettyConstraintFailure -> ConflictSet -> FailReason -> String
showFR _ _ (UnsupportedExtension ext) = " (conflict: requires " ++ showUnsupportedExtension ext ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (UnsupportedLanguage lang) = " (conflict: requires " ++ showUnsupportedLanguage lang ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (MissingPkgconfigPackage pn vr) = " (conflict: pkg-config package " ++ prettyShow pn ++ prettyShow vr ++ ", not found in the pkg-config database)"
showFR _ _ (NewPackageDoesNotMatchExistingConstraint d) = " (conflict: " ++ showConflictingDep d ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (ConflictingConstraints d1 d2) = " (conflict: " ++ L.intercalate ", " ( showConflictingDep [d1, d2]) ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (does not contain " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ ", which is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (NewPackageHasPrivateRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (" ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " is private, but it is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (NewPackageHasUnbuildableRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (" ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " is not buildable in the current environment, but it is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (PackageRequiresMissingComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component does not exist)"
showFR _ _ (PackageRequiresPrivateComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component is private)"
showFR _ _ (PackageRequiresUnbuildableComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component is not buildable in the current environment)"
showFR _ _ CannotReinstall = " (avoiding to reinstall a package with same version but new dependencies)"
showFR _ _ NotExplicit = " (not a user-provided goal nor mentioned as a constraint, but reject-unconstrained-dependencies was set)"
showFR _ _ Shadowed = " (shadowed by another installed package with same version)"
showFR _ _ (Broken u) = " (package is broken, missing dependency " ++ prettyShow u ++ ")"
showFR _ _ UnknownPackage = " (unknown package)"
showFR p _ (GlobalConstraintVersion vr src) = prettyConstraintVersionFailure p vr src
showFR p _ (GlobalConstraintInstalled src) = " (" ++ prettyConstraintFrom p src ++ " requires installed instance)"
showFR p _ (GlobalConstraintSource src) = " (" ++ prettyConstraintFrom p src ++ " requires source instance)"
showFR p _ (GlobalConstraintFlag src) = " (" ++ prettyConstraintFrom p src ++ " requires opposite flag selection)"
showFR _ _ ManualFlag = " (manual flag can only be changed explicitly)"
showFR _ c Backjump = " (backjumping, conflict set: " ++ showConflictSet c ++ ")"
showFR _ _ MultipleInstances = " (multiple instances)"
showFR _ c (DependenciesNotLinked msg) = " (dependencies not linked: " ++ msg ++ "; conflict set: " ++ showConflictSet c ++ ")"
showFR _ c CyclicDependencies = " (cyclic dependencies; conflict set: " ++ showConflictSet c ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (UnsupportedSpecVer ver) = " (unsupported spec-version " ++ prettyShow ver ++ ")"
-- The following are internal failures. They should not occur. In the
-- interest of not crashing unnecessarily, we still just print an error
-- message though.
showFR _ (MalformedFlagChoice qfn) = " (INTERNAL ERROR: MALFORMED FLAG CHOICE: " ++ Flag.showQFN qfn ++ ")"
showFR _ (MalformedStanzaChoice qsn) = " (INTERNAL ERROR: MALFORMED STANZA CHOICE: " ++ Flag.showQSN qsn ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (MalformedFlagChoice qfn) = " (INTERNAL ERROR: MALFORMED FLAG CHOICE: " ++ Flag.showQFN qfn ++ ")"
showFR _ _ (MalformedStanzaChoice qsn) = " (INTERNAL ERROR: MALFORMED STANZA CHOICE: " ++ Flag.showQSN qsn ++ ")"
showFR _ _ EmptyGoalChoice = " (INTERNAL ERROR: EMPTY GOAL CHOICE)"

showExposedComponent :: ExposedComponent -> String
showExposedComponent (ExposedLib LMainLibName) = "library"
showExposedComponent (ExposedLib (LSubLibName name)) = "library '" ++ unUnqualComponentName name ++ "'"
showExposedComponent (ExposedExe name) = "executable '" ++ unUnqualComponentName name ++ "'"

constraintSource :: ConstraintSource -> String
constraintSource src = "constraint from " ++ showConstraintSource src

showConflictingDep :: ConflictingDep -> String
showConflictingDep (ConflictingDep dr (PkgComponent qpn comp) ci) =
let DependencyReason qpn' _ _ = dr
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,8 +11,6 @@ module Distribution.Solver.Types.ConstraintSource
, ProjectConfigPath(..)
, mkProjectConfigPath
, projectConfigPathSource
, showProjectConfigPath
, showConstraintSource
, nullProjectConfigPath
) where

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,29 +45,6 @@ data ImportedConfig =
data ProjectConfigPath = ProjectRoot RootConfig | ProjectImport ImportedConfig
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

-- | Renders the path as a tree node with its ancestors.
showProjectConfigPath :: ProjectConfigPath -> String
showProjectConfigPath = \case
ProjectRoot (RootConfig path) -> "+-- " ++ path
ProjectImport ImportedConfig{importee = Importee x, importers} ->
renderProjectConfigPath . reverse $ x : map coerce importers

renderProjectConfigPath :: [String] -> String
renderProjectConfigPath [] = ""
renderProjectConfigPath [x] = x
renderProjectConfigPath xs = unlines
[ (nTimes i (showChar ' ') . showString "+-- " . showString x) ""
| x <- xs
| i <- [0..]

-- | Apply a function @n@ times to a given value.
-- SEE: GHC.Utils.Misc
nTimes :: Int -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
nTimes 0 _ = id
nTimes 1 f = f
nTimes n f = f . nTimes (n-1) f

mkProjectConfigPath :: HasCallStack => [Importer] -> Importee -> ProjectConfigPath
mkProjectConfigPath [] (Importee path) = ProjectRoot $ RootConfig path
mkProjectConfigPath importers@[_] importee = ProjectImport $ ImportedConfig
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -146,26 +121,4 @@ data ConstraintSource =
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

instance Binary ConstraintSource
instance Structured ConstraintSource

-- | Description of a 'ConstraintSource'.
showConstraintSource :: ConstraintSource -> String
showConstraintSource (ConstraintSourceMainConfig path) =
"main config " ++ path
showConstraintSource (ConstraintSourceProjectConfig projectConfig) =
"project config " ++ showProjectConfigPath projectConfig
showConstraintSource (ConstraintSourceUserConfig path)= "user config " ++ path
showConstraintSource ConstraintSourceCommandlineFlag = "command line flag"
showConstraintSource ConstraintSourceUserTarget = "user target"
showConstraintSource ConstraintSourceNonReinstallablePackage =
"non-reinstallable package"
showConstraintSource ConstraintSourceFreeze = "cabal freeze"
showConstraintSource ConstraintSourceConfigFlagOrTarget =
"config file, command line flag, or user target"
showConstraintSource ConstraintSourceMultiRepl =
showConstraintSource ConstraintSourceUnknown = "unknown source"
showConstraintSource ConstraintSetupCabalMinVersion =
"minimum version of Cabal used by Setup.hs"
showConstraintSource ConstraintSetupCabalMaxVersion =
"maximum version of Cabal used by Setup.hs"
instance Structured ConstraintSource

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