Entry in PyWeek #7 http://www.pyweek.org/7/ Team: Canarabericans Members: sjbrown, patrick, arcticclear Thanks: Linda - for all those meals Swearsy - for not barfing on any keyboards
You might need to install some of these before running the game:
Python: http://python.org/ PyGame: http://pyglet.org/
On Windows or Mac OS X, locate the "run_game.pyw" file and double-click it.
Othewise open a terminal / console and "cd" to the game directory and run:
python run_game.py
Movement: Direction keys
Attack: CTRL key or SPACE BAR (or mousebutton?)
You can gather more string for your yoyo which increases its power and range. When you have more than 5 string power, your yoyo will cast explosions, but each explosion will remove one string.
If you are hit with something sharp, you will lose health. If you are down to one health, you will lose all of your string. If you have no extra string then you will die.