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Dotfiles for my Openbox/Tint2 ricing on my Arch Linux Host.

Caevee here. These dotfiles are mostly for personal synchronizing so they may look confusing to others :). If you still intend to use them to copy my rice make sure to get the themes, the wallpaper and the font I use as well. The themes are all by addy so make sure to check out his GitHub aswell!

Download the Arch Wallpaper. It's called archlinux-deep-aurora

sudo pacman -S archlinux-wallpaper

Download the Themes from addys GitHub.

git clone

git clone

git clone

Copy Lumiere from the gtk-theme-collection into your themes folder.

mv ~/gtk-theme-collections/Lumiere /usr/share/themes/

Copy Clia from the openbox-theme-colleciton into your themes folder.

mv ~/openbox-theme-collections/Clia /usr/share/themes/

Save the minima theme somewhere on your computer so you can later import it from tint2.

Apply the gtk and openbox themes in lxappearance (necessary packages: "lxappearance" and "lxappearance-obconf") and import the tint2 theme in the tint2conf application and set it as default.

To get my rxvt-unicode look just put my .Xresources (not really mine. I copied it from Shoutout to him his files taught me a lot :3) into your home folder and run

xrdb .Xresources

If you want your color scheme on your terminal to fit to your background like it does on my rice you can use pywal. Install pywal

sudo pacman -S feh imagemagick python-pip python-pywal

And run.


This sets the background and applies a fitting color scheme to your terminal. You have to do this on every boot so I recommend putting it into your autostart file. If you copy my autostart file that is done already.


my openbox dotfiles on arch






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