Demo of using Argo Workflows with Argo Events to build a CI tool for Github.
make init
# expose github gateway
ngrok start -config ngrok.yml --all
# update the github event source with the publicly-exposed url via ngrok
kubectl edit eventsource -n argo-events github-event-source
# edit spec.github.example.webhook.url to match the https endpoint provided by ngrok
# (use the url that's forwarding to 12000)
# also update to whatever repo you want it to control the webhooks for
# you will also need to update the URL in `.argo/ci.yaml` for the status check (use the url that's forwarding to 2746)
Go to http://localhost:9000 and add a new bucket named artifacts
(default creds)
# tail gateway logs
kubectl logs -f -n argo-events -l gateway-name=github-gateway --all-containers
# tail sensor logs
kubectl logs -f -l owner-name=github-sensor -n argo-events
# delete all workflows
kubectl delete workflow -n argo-events --all