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An Ansible role to help configure Kubernetes clusters for web apps.


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An Ansible role to help configure Kubernetes clusters for web apps.

Supported cloud providers include GCP (GKE), AWS (EKS), Azure (AKS), and Digital Ocean. The configuration includes installing:

  • Nginx Ingress Controller (Helm Chart)
  • Certificate manager (Helm Chart)
  • Descheduler (Helm Chart)
  • Let's Encrypt certificate issuers (staging and production)
  • For AWS, granting cluster access to IAM users


This Ansible role is released under the BSD License. See the LICENSE file for more details.

Development sponsored by Caktus Consulting Group, LLC.


  • Ansible v6.0+
  • pip install openshift kubernetes-validate
  • helm
    • Important: The version must be supported by the current Kubernetes cluster version.
    • For Caktus projects, refer to the Developer Documentation for the currently recommended version.


  1. Add to your requirements.yaml:
# file: deploy/requirements.yaml

- src:
  version: v1.0.0
  name: caktus.k8s-web-cluster
  1. Add the role to your playbook:
# file: deploy/deploy.yaml

- hosts: k8s
    - role: caktus.k8s-web-cluster
  1. Add role vars configuration (see defaults/main.yml for a list of all configurable options):
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# caktus.k8s-web-cluster: Configure kubernetes cluster for web apps
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

k8s_cluster_type: <aws|gcp|azure|digitalocean>
k8s_context: <name of context from ~/.kube/config>
k8s_letsencrypt_email: <email to contact about expiring certs>
k8s_echotest_hostname: <test hostname assigned to your cluster ip, e.g.>
# Pin ingress-nginx and cert-manager to current versions so future upgrades of this
# role will not upgrade these charts without your intervention:
k8s_ingress_nginx_chart_version: "3.23.0"
k8s_cert_manager_chart_version: "v1.2.0"
# AWS only:
# Use the newer load balancer type (NLB). DO NOT edit k8s_aws_load_balancer_type after
# creating your Service.
k8s_aws_load_balancer_type: nlb
# List of IAM usernames who should be allowed to manage the cluster
k8s_iam_users: []
  1. Run deploy.yaml playbook:
ansible-playbook -l <host/group> deploy.yaml -vv

Usage documentation

Testing that Let's Encrypt is working

  1. Find the hostname or IP of your load balancer.
  2. Add a DNS record for k8s_echotest_hostname to point to this hostname or IP address (switching the record type if needed).
  3. Give the record a minute or two to propagate.
  4. Add an echotest playbook:
# file: echotest.yaml

- hosts: k8s
    - name: Install echo test server
        name: caktus.k8s-web-cluster
        tasks_from: echotest
  1. Run echotest.yaml playbook:
ansible-playbook -l <host/group> echotest.yaml -vv
  1. Give the certificate a couple minutes to be generated and validated. While waiting, you can watch the output of:

    kubectl -n echoserver get pod

    When the cm-acme-http-solver pod goes away, the certificate should be validated. Now, navigate to k8s_echotest_hostname and ensure that you have a valid certificate. If you don't, you want to follow the cert-manager troubleshooting steps in the documentation. But, be sure to reload a few times, and close the browser tab and open a new one to make sure it's really broken, because sometimes it takes a few minutes to go through and the browser gets stuck with the temporary certificate.

  2. You should see the *-tls secret in the echoserver namespace:

    kubectl -n echoserver get secret
    NAME                  TYPE                                  DATA   AGE
    default-token-62pdt   3      5m
    echoserver-tls                     3      5m

    If not, you may need to re-create the ingress by deleteing and re-applying it.

  3. When you're done, delete the echotest resources from the cluster. Run:

ansible-playbook -l <host/group> echotest.yaml --extra-vars "k8s_echotest_state=absent" -vv

Helm charts

After installing the ingress-nginx and cert-manager Helm charts, you can view them with helm list:

❯ helm -n ingress-nginx list
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
ingress-nginx   ingress-nginx   1               2021-02-11 15:59:27.008281 -0500 EST    deployed        ingress-nginx-3.23.0    0.44.0 

❯ helm -n cert-manager list
NAME            NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                 STATUS          CHART                   APP VERSION
cert-manager    cert-manager    2               2021-02-11 15:41:47.024147 -0500 EST    deployed        cert-manager-v1.2.0     v1.2.0 

helm upgrade has not been tested yet, but the hope is that the helm charts will support upgrades.