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(Toy)Calcit Paint

2D renderer for Calcit.


It runs Calcit and is supposed to be driven by compact.cirru code.

cr -1 compact.cirru

Available APIs:

calcit-paint.core/push-drawing-data! |reset-canvas! nil
calcit-paint.core/push-drawing-data! |render-canvas! shape-data

calcit-paint.core/launch-canvas! $ fn (event)
  println "|rendering to canvas..."

Maybe we will need a mirror URL for skia binaries like :

export SKIA_BINARIES_URL={tag}/skia-binaries-{key}.tar.gz


Position represented with [] x y. Color with [] h s l a?

Drawing with lyon 0.17.5:

  • Rect, using rect or rectangle:
rect {
  position: Vec2,
  width: f32,
  height: f32,
  line_style: Option<(Color, f32)>,
  fill_style: Option<Color>,
  • Group, using group
Group {
  position: Vec2,
  children: Vec<Shape>,
  • Circle, using circle
Circle {
  position: Vec2,
  radius: f32,
  line_style: Option<(Color, f32)>,
  fill_style: Option<Color>,

Arc is not supported at current.

  • Text, using text
Text {
  text: String,
  position: Vec2,
  size: f32,
  // weight: String, // TODO
  color: Color,
  // align: TextAlign,
  • Paint operations, with ops
PaintOps {
  position: Vec2,
  path: Vec<PaintPathTo>,
  line_style: Option<(Color, f32)>,
  fill_style: Option<Color>,

It's rendered based on lyon SVG path builder. Only small subset:

  [] :move-to ([] 1 2)
  [] :line-to ([] 3 4)
  [] :quadratic-bezier-to ([] 5 6) ([] 7 8)
  [] :cubic-bezier-to ([] 1 2) ([] 3 4) ([] 5 6)

Since then name is too long, I also use alies: bezier2-to -> quadratic-bezier-to, and bezier3-to -> cubic-bezier-to.

  • Polyline, using polyline
Polyline {
  position: Vec2,
  stops: Vec<Vec2>,
  skip_first: bool,
  color: Color,
  width: f32,
  join: LineJoin,
  cap: LineCap,
  • Image, using image, and Rect from Skia
Image {
  file_path: String,
  x: f32, y: f32, w: f32, h: f32,
  crop: Rect {
    x: f32, y: f32, w: f32, h: f32
  • Touch Area, using touch-area

For handling events:

TouchArea {
  path: Calcit,
  action: Calcit,
  data: Calcit,
  position: Vec2,
  // children: Vec<Shape>, // TODO
  area: TouchAreaShape,
  line_style: Option<(Color, f32)>,
  fill_style: Option<Color>,
  • Key listener, using key-listener
KeyListener {
  key: String, // TODO modifier
  action: Calcit,
  path: Calcit,
  data: Calcit,
  // children: Vec<Shape>, // TODO
  • Rotate
Rotate {
  radius: f32,
  • Translate
Translate {
  x: f32,
  y: f32,
  • Scale
Scale {
  factor: f32,
