Hyperion is the instrumentation control software we use at the Nano-Optics Lab (Kuipers Lab) at Technical University Delft, The Netherlands.
The spirit of Hyperion is to help researchers to develop an application that controls several devices in a complex experimental setup. Thus, it provides some tools and common solutions we found convenient when building our experiments.
Please note that this is a continuously developing project (and community), so be aware of the changes.
More documentation can be found on read the docs: nanooptics-hyperion
Below you can find the instructions to install locally the package within a new conda environment.
It's easiest, safest and cleanest to install these in their own environment.
We use conda_. Make sure you have an up-to-date
version of conda
installed – either from Anaconda_ or miniconda_.
Start up Anaconda Navigator.
To make sure conda
is up-to-date, run:
conda update -n base -c default conda
Depending on how old your (ana)conda install is, you might have to specify root
instead of base
. You might have to run this multiple times. It's prudent
(and possibly necessary) to update all other packages in your base environment
as well. Then, in this directory (where environment.yml
lives), run:
conda env create
to install all the dependencies in a new environment called hyperion
. If
you already have a hyperion
environment, make sure it's up-to-date with:
conda env update
Before working you need to Enter the environment:
conda activate hyperion
Then you need to install the hyperion package, you should do:
pip install -e .
Check that the installation is correct by doing:
conda list
You should see a list of all the packages installed in the environment, including hyperion.
To keep a close track of the version off all the packages that were installed, you should run:
conda env export > environment_output/pc-YOURPCNAME.yml
replacing YOURPCNAME for the name of your PC.
Finally, in order to have the documentation, you need to create a folder
called doc/build
and run:
sphinx-build -b html docs/source/ docs/build/
This will create a series of html files with the documentation for the project in the folder hyperion/docs/build, you should start at index.html
Alternatively, you can find the compiled documentation for the latest version at our page in Readthedocs.