this repository is now obsolete and has been replaced by
newer vim settings which should flow over into ms-vim
Contains the vimrc, gvimrc, and how to set up vim. The settings are intended to be used with a visual variant of vim (i.e. not terminal vim) - specifically macvim.
install xcode for the dependencies
- run once
install homebrew
install macvim using homebrew
brew install macvim
- get it to overwrite the other vims here
mkdir $HOME/.vim
- make a vimrc, gvimrc
- make
etc. files
copy in a vimrc file
- for the time being, comment out the vundle bundles
copy in a gvimrc file
install vundle
using the prebuilt vimrc and vundle,
- (uncomment the vundle bundles)
- run
make sure to got through all the plugin README files
- use the plugins to add the
plugin setting you want
- use the plugins to add the
If you wish, create formats of viewing (if you haven't already)
- word processor
- editor
- super saiyan syntax
wear a crown of circuit boards to pay respects to the computer gods