ROS-Melodic, Gazebo, and MoveIt configuration for dual configuration with UR3e (or any other UR robot)
- Install Docker
- Install Docker-compose
- Install nvidia-docker2
Detailed instruction can be found here
Clone this repository
git clone
Build Docker container
cd dual_ur3e
Run container (reconnect to container with new terminals with this same script)
cd dual_ur3e
Execute the following command
roslaunch ur3e_dual_gazebo dual_ur3e_hlab.launch
By default the robot used are the UR3e, but other UR robots can be easily set up by changing the argument ur_robot
, valid option (ur3, ur5, ur10, ur3e, ur5e, ur10e)
roslaunch ur3e_dual_gazebo dual_ur3e_hlab.launch ur_robot:=ur5e
Execute the following command
roslaunch ur3e_dual_moveit_config start_sim_dual_ur3e_moveit.launch
Update the URDF description of the environment ur3e_dual_gazebo/urdf/dual_ur_gripper_hande.xacro
or create your own one