Capistrano3 tasks for manage long running rake tasks or daemons via runit supervisor.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'capistrano-runit-rake'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install capistrano-runit-rake
-- start all rake tasks.runit:rake:stop
-- stop all rake tasks.runit:rake:restart
-- restart all rake tasks.runit:rake:foo:setup
-- setupfoo
rake task service.runit:rake:foo:enable
-- enablefoo
rake task service.runit:rake:foo:disable
-- disablefoo
rake task service.runit:rake:foo:start
-- startfoo
rake task service.runit:rake:foo:stop
-- stopfoo
rake task service.
-- what host roles uses runit to run rake long running tasks. Default value::app
-- what host roles uses runit to run rake long running task with keyfoo
. Default value::app
-- Hash of rake tasks. Default value:{}
Add this line in Capfile
require 'capistrano/runit/rake'
Add your tasks in config/deploy.rb
set :runit_rake_tasks, {
'foo' => 'daemon:bar'
set :runit_rake_foo_role, :db # change role for foo rake task
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