6 errors, 7 fail in 15m 1s
Check failure on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Acceptance | code submode | file-tree tests: can navigate file tree, file view mode is persisted in query parameter (Chrome 131.0) with error
host.xml [took 3m 0s]
Raw output
global failure: Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
at CardError.fromFetchResponse (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:13938:14)
at async Loader.load (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16674:19)
at async Loader.fetchModule (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16533:16)
at async Loader.advanceToState (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16343:11)
at async Loader.import (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16322:5)
at async TestRealmAdapter.prepareInstances (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.55c0cee7d1a47145d4ae.js:21138:19)
Check warning on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Global error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to fetch at http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.debb256fc4fdea389c3e.js, line 460647 While executing test: Acceptance | code submode | file-tree tests: can open files (Chrome 131.0) failed
host.xml [took 0s]
Check failure on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Acceptance | AI Assistant tests: attaches a card in a conversation multiple times (Chrome 131.0) with error
host.xml [took 0s]
Raw output
Promise rejected before "attaches a card in a conversation multiple times": unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/string
Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/string
at CardError.fromFetchResponse (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:13938:14)
at async Loader.load (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16674:19)
at async Loader.fetchModule (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16533:16)
at async Loader.advanceToState (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16343:11)
at async Loader.import (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16322:5)
at async Object.initialize (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.852469aef2d49628792e.js:21450:18)
Check failure on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Acceptance | code submode | inspector tests: inspector will show json instance definition and module definition in card inheritance panel (Chrome 131.0) with error
host.xml [took 3m 0s]
Raw output
global failure: Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
at CardError.fromFetchResponse (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:13938:14)
at async Loader.load (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16674:19)
at async Loader.fetchModule (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16533:16)
at async Loader.advanceToState (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16343:11)
at async Loader.import (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16322:5)
at async TestRealmAdapter.prepareInstances (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.852469aef2d49628792e.js:21138:19)
Check warning on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Global error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to fetch at http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.3ade98a04cbf2e9740a4.js, line 460647 W…ptance | code submode | inspector tests: inspector will show module definition in card inheritance panel (Chrome 131.0) failed
host.xml [took 0s]
Check warning on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Global error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to fetch at http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.5d5388eae261b37fdbd0.js, line 460647 While executing test: Acceptance | basic tests: visiting realm root (Chrome 131.0) failed
host.xml [took 0s]
Check failure on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Acceptance | code submode tests > multiple realms: default realm is the personal realm (Chrome 131.0) with error
host.xml [took 3m 0s]
Raw output
global failure: Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
at CardError.fromFetchResponse (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:13938:14)
at async Loader.load (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16674:19)
at async Loader.fetchModule (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16533:16)
at async Loader.advanceToState (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16343:11)
at async Loader.import (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16322:5)
at async TestRealmAdapter.prepareInstances (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.21a2256931216d8f86b3.js:21138:19)
Check warning on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Global error: Uncaught Error: Failed to fetch realm info for http://localhost:4201/testuser/personal/: 404 at http://localhost:… submode tests > multiple realms: first item in add file realm dropdown is the currently displayed realm (Chrome 131.0) failed
host.xml [took 0s]
Check failure on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Acceptance | code submode | create-file tests > when user has permissions to both test realms: new file button has options to create card def, field def, and card instance files (Chrome 131.0) with error
host.xml [took 3m 0s]
Raw output
global failure: Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
at CardError.fromFetchResponse (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:13938:14)
at async Loader.load (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16674:19)
at async Loader.fetchModule (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16533:16)
at async Loader.advanceToState (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16343:11)
at async Loader.import (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16322:5)
at async TestRealmAdapter.prepareInstances (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.7c8854ae6cd2e03a51b6.js:21138:19)
Check warning on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Global error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to fetch at http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.6211d3b240ff8bae6650.js, line 460647 W…file tests > when user has permissions to both test realms: filename is auto-populated from display name (Chrome 131.0) failed
host.xml [took 0s]
Check failure on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Acceptance | code submode | editor tests: card instance JSON displayed in monaco editor (Chrome 131.0) with error
host.xml [took 3m 0s]
Raw output
global failure: Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
Error: unable to fetch https://cardstack.com/base/card-api
at CardError.fromFetchResponse (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:13938:14)
at async Loader.load (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16674:19)
at async Loader.fetchModule (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16533:16)
at async Loader.advanceToState (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16343:11)
at async Loader.import (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.b0a441881fcabd8e6579.js:16322:5)
at async TestRealmAdapter.prepareInstances (http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.7b5df765038eb2edc62f.js:21138:19)
Check warning on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Global error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to fetch at http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.4dc20658784e4db3ced8.js, line 460647 While executing test: Acceptance | code submode | editor tests: allows fixing broken cards (Chrome 131.0) failed
host.xml [took 0s]
Check warning on line 0 in Chrome 131.0
github-actions / Host Test Results
Global error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to fetch at http://localhost:7357/assets/chunk.4dc20658784e4db3ced8.js, line 460647 After execution of test: Acceptance | code submode | editor tests: allows fixing broken cards (Chrome 131.0) failed
host.xml [took 0s]