Presto is a powerful interactive querying engine that enables running SQL queries on anything -- be it MySQL, HDFS, local file, Kafka -- as long as there exist a connector to the source.
This is Presto connector to the InterSystems IRIS
Build from this sources using command, requires Java 11
git clone
git clone presto-iris
./mvnw package
Or download the latest release file presto-iris-0.1-plugin.tar.gz
Extract it to plugin folder of Presto
Create file named in folder etc/catalog of Presto (e.g. /opt/presto-server/etc/catalog/ where the filename is a name for the catalog
Start the demo environment using docker-compose
docker-compose up -d --build
For the demo purpose, it uses Apache Superset with superset-iris, and examples which comes with it, and it takes a while when it will loaded.
Presto UI will be availble on this link http://localhost:8080/ui/#
When SuperSet will finish load examples after 10-15 minutes, it should became available by link http://localhost:8088/databaseview/list Using admin/admin as username/password
Superset connected to Presto, and catalog iris, which configured to connect to IRIS
Now go to Dashboards
Going to Presto UI we can see that Presto executed queries, and see some statistics
The same data from IRIS can be observed by using Presto connector in DBeaver