This is used to populate the cargografias popit instance from a google spreadsheet exported as json
Install node
sudo apt-get install npm
Install Dependencies
npm install
Create a json config file (see config json example at final of this README) and put in config folder. Name it:
To execute it
node process.js node process.js <command> <instanceName>
4b) In debian:
nodejs process.js <instanceName>
Imports all the information from json. If you want to see the right format you must check Cargografias Protocol Document.
Removes all the entitites from the database:
- Memberships
- Organizations
- Persons
Makes an upload for all the photos to a propper server.
"Apikey": "YOUR API KEY",
"gsheetsUrl": "<SPREADSHEET_ID>/<SHEET_ID>/public/values?alt=json"
Name of your popit instance.
Url for the popit server
ApiKey given by popit to access the api
Google Spreasheet ID, that might look like "1qKk_stiteudp5alMuOEyyLoU5YLvB1iJMi8eIAtToXw" Like SHEET_ID
Number of the Spreadsheet, that might look like "od6" like