The ZkBNB Go SDK provides a thin wrapper around thin all the apis provided by ZkBNB, including a simple key manager for signing txs and sending signed txs to ZkBNB.
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The key manager is a simple interface to help sign the txs with the provided private key.
type KeyManager interface {
Sign(message []byte, hFunc hash.Hash) ([]byte, error)
PubKey() signature.PublicKey
PubKeyPoint() [2][]byte
Currently, we only support key manager generated from seed.
keyManager, _ := NewSeedKeyManager("you private key seed")
type ZkBNBClient interface {
The ZkBNB go sdk wraps the supported apis and also provides methods to sign txs with the key manager.
The ZkBNB client can be initiated by an API endpoint.
client := NewZkBNBClient("The ZkBNB endpoint")
You can perform the query methods directly:
// query the layer2 basic info
layer2Info, err := client.GetLayer2BasicInfo()
To send txs, you need to init the key manager first and set the key manager to client.
Then you can sign txs and send with the sdk:
// prepare tx info
txInfo := &OfferTxInfo{
Type: int64(offerType),
OfferId: offerId,
AccountIndex: accountIndex,
NftIndex: nftIndex,
AssetId: 0, //payment asset id
AssetAmount: big.NewInt(10000),
ListedAt: listedAt,
ExpiredAt: expiredAt,
TreasuryRate: 200,
Sig: nil,
txId, err := client.Offer(txInfo)
You can also sign the raw transaction by yourself and send with the SendTx
txInfo := &OfferTxInfo{
Type: int64(offerType),
OfferId: offerId,
AccountIndex: accountIndex,
NftIndex: nftIndex,
AssetId: 0, //payment asset id
AssetAmount: big.NewInt(10000),
ListedAt: listedAt,
ExpiredAt: expiredAt,
TreasuryRate: 200,
Sig: nil,
txInfo, err := ConstructOfferTx(keyManager, txInfo)
if err != nil {
return "", err
client.SendTx(TxTypeOffer, txInfo)
The ZkBNBL1Client is used to interact with ZkBNB proxy contract in l1.
type ZkBNBL1Client interface {
// DepositBNB will deposit specific amount bnb to l2
DepositBNB(accountName string, amount *big.Int) (common.Hash, error)
// DepositBEP20 will deposit specific amount of bep20 token to l2
DepositBEP20(token common.Address, accountName string, amount *big.Int) (common.Hash, error)
// DepositNft will deposit specific nft to l2
DepositNft(nftL1Address common.Address, accountName string, nftL1TokenId *big.Int) (common.Hash, error)
// RegisterZNS will register account in l2
RegisterZNS(name string, owner common.Address, pubKeyX [32]byte, pubKeyY [32]byte) (common.Hash, error)
// CreatePair will create swap pair in l2
CreatePair(tokenA common.Address, tokenB common.Address) (common.Hash, error)
// RequestFullExit will request full exit from l2
RequestFullExit(accountName string, asset common.Address) (common.Hash, error)
// RequestFullExitNft will request full nft exit from l2
RequestFullExitNft(accountName string, nftIndex uint32) (common.Hash, error)
// UpdatePairRate will update pair info in l2
UpdatePairRate(pairInfo abi.ZkBNBPairInfo) (common.Hash, error)
client := NewZkBNBL1Client("l1 provider", "zkbnb proxy contract address")
Before you send tx, you need to set a private key to sign the tx:
client.SetPrivateKey("private key")
Then you can send txs.