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I am just trying to create a client to communicate multiple users.


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Please generate an .env file on each module (located inside the package) using the template.env as a template, complete all the configuration, specially about the mongodb and you are ready to work. This project uses mongo as the persitant storage so you need to have one local or cloud based.

Then from its root, run:

npm install
npx lerna bootstrap

Set up

Before starting you need to set up couple of things 1- Create a mongo db instance somewhere and store the information in your env variables following the template.env 2- Set up domain in your /etc/hosts pointing to localhost. Mandatory for facebook oauth

There are 2 ways to start the app, the first one is for development purposes where 2 services run, the client and the server. In this mode all changes to the client or server are updated on the fly, and you can initiate it as follows:

npm run dev

The second mode is for production with a single instance server, the client still works but changes to the client code will not be reflected immediatelly, you can initiate it as follows:

npm start

Deployment config

heroku config:set DB_USER=dbname --app app-name


carlospatinos doncesarts

Coding Rules

To ensure consistency, style and best practices throughout the source code we follow the AirBnb ESlint rules:


Useful tasks to contribute:

  • npm run lint : Checks if there are lint issues.
  • npm run lint-fix : To fix lint issues.
  • npm run commit : to commit the staged files using conventional commits