Simplistic password generator writen in Rust.
# Clone the repository
git clone
# Change directory into it:
cd shrimp
# Build it with Cargo
cargo run --release
$ shrimp --length=20 Password: 7TS@utsKi*4peY5bIX7C Quality: Excellent
USAGE: shrimp [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] FLAGS: -h, --help Prints help information -L, --lowercase Enable lowercase letters. -n, --numbers Enable whole numbers like 1, 2, or 8. -S, --silence Suppress all output bar the generated password. -s, --symbols Enable symbols like #, $ or @. -u, --uppercase Enable uppercase letters. -V, --version Prints version information -v, --verbose Activates verbose output. Can be set multiple times for greater info. OPTIONS: -l, --length <LENGTH> Sets generated password's length. If not set, 15 will be used. -p, --pool <POOL> Sets the pool of characters from which the password can be made of.
If no pool is set or if none of -Lnsu
are set, a standard charset
of upper and lowercase characters, numbers and special symbols will
be used.