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SAML with keycloak

The project demonstrate a possible implementation of the SAML-Protocol with KeyCloak and spring-boot 3.1.

Start the example

The whole example build and runs in docker-compose so the only thing you need to have on your development machine is Docker. It will use the ports 8080 and 8081 for keycloak and spring-boot. This ports needs to be free.

When you met this requirement you can clone this project into a local directory by:

git clone

Then go into to keycloak-example folder and start docker-comopse with:

docker-compose up -d; docker-compose logs -f

This will start the build process and the docker-compose containers will start automatically.

Note At the first startup you will see a lot of errors and the spring-boot application and the keycloak-server will start over and over again. This is because the mysql database needs to initialize and that takes a while. To prevent this see Starting first time one by one

When the mysql database is initialized the keycloak-server will also start to initialize itself. This again will take some time and spring-boot keeps restarting.

When keycloak-server is also finished with its initialization, the spring-boot application will also come to a successful boot:

cs-saml-app    | ... kc.saml.backend.SamlApp : Started SamlApp in 3.51 seconds (process running for 4.015)

Starting first time one by one

If you want to start the containers one by one for the first time to prevent the error messages you can do the following commands one after the other:

Start the mariadb database

 docker-compose up -d cs-keycloakdb; docker-compose logs -f cs-keycloakdb 

After a while the database will finish its initialization and the server states that it is ready to accept connections:

cs-keycloakdb  | ...[Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
cs-keycloakdb  | Version: '10.9.5-MariaDB-1:10.9.5+maria~ubu2204'  socket: '/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'  port: 3306 binary distribution

Press Ctrl-C to terminate the log output. The container will keep running.

Starting KeyCloak server

docker-compose up -d cs-keycloak; docker-compose logs -f cs-keycloak

The server starts up, imports the realm and after a while you will see the following log message:

cs-keycloak  | ... INFO  [] (main) KC-SERVICES0009: Added user 'admin' to realm 'master'
cs-keycloak  | ... WARN  [org.keycloak.quarkus.runtime.KeycloakMain] (main) Running the server in development mode. DO NOT use this configuration in production.

Press Ctrl-C to terminate the log output. The container will keep running.

Starting spring boot application

To start the spring boot application do:

docker-compose up -d cs-saml-app; docker-compose logs -f cs-saml-app

When you see the following message, the server is up and running.

cs-saml-app  | ...  INFO 1 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 8081 (http) with context path ''
cs-saml-app  | ...  INFO 1 --- [           main] kc.saml.backend.SamlApp                  : Started SamlApp in 3.338 seconds (process running for 4.128)

Again you can press Ctrl-C to terminate the log output. The container will keep running.

If you want to see all logs enter the following command:

docker-compose logs -f

Create a first user

The keycloak realm SAML-IDP-Test is not configured for registration, so you have to create a first user.

Open the following URL and log in as user admin with password admin1:


Select the SAML-IDP-Test realm and create a test user as you like.

Log in to the application

Open the saml-app und the url: http://localhost:8081/ and click on the Go to the protected site home.html.

This will delegate you to the KeyCloak login page, and you can log in with the user you created in the previous step.

MagicLink set up

Cleaning up

When you finished with experimenting with keycloak use this commands to remove the containers from your docker:

docker-compose stop 
docker-compose rm -f
docker image rm keycloak-examples-cs-saml-app keycloak-examples-cs-keycloak
rm -rf keycloakdb/*


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