Start the pipeline:
curl --location 'http://localhost:8085/invoke-pipeline/start-spark-operator-job' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"applicationName": "sync-spark-pipeline",
"profile": "dev",
"overrideValues": {}
Verify Data Validation: View the logs for the pipeline driver:
kubectl logs sync-spark-pipeline-driver | grep -e SyncSparkPipelineDriver
Verify you see something similar the following:
INFO SyncSparkPipelineDriver: Person: John Smith {NUMBER}; error: {ERROR DETAILS}
... (Repeat x10)
INFO SyncSparkPipelineDriver: Returned 11 people
View the logs for the ingest step:
kubectl logs sync-spark-pipeline-driver | grep -e 'before validation' -A 30
Verify you see something similar the following:
- Note: Values in the table may vary as they are randomly generated
- Note: The after validation table may contain more than one person
INFO Ingest: =============== before validation ===================
INFO CodeGenerator: Code generated in 551.994143 ms
INFO CodeGenerator: Code generated in 81.873753 ms
|name |ssn |age|employment|stringLength5To12|long2000To3000|short100To200|decimal10To20|double20To30|float30To40|
|John Smith 2 |111-222-0002 |1 |Student2 |IYR6XSYglS5M |3126 |170 |19.39 |27.727 |35.269 |
|John Smith 4 |111-222-0004 |2 |Student4 |3wfVkf |2662 |170 |10.13 |25.421 |38.112 |
|John Smith 8 |111-222-0008 |4 |Student8 |REmym62loAdb |3092 |170 |18.60 |24.306 |39.039 |
|John Smith 7 |111-222-0007 |9 |Student7 |Okx04H |2587 |170 |17.76 |29.039 |30.381 |
|John Smith 6 |111-222-0006 |3 |Student6 | |2607 |170 |15.55 |28.986 |38.231 |
|John Smith 1 |111-222-0001 |6 |Student1 |whOpEV |2578 |170 |12.15 |29.647 |37.005 |
|John Smith 9 |111-222-0009 |10 |Student9 | |3276 |170 |20.00 |22.182 |34.118 |
|John Smith |111-222-0000 |10 |Student |abc123xyz |2436 |170 |19.60 |23.256 |37.933 |
|John Smith 5 |111-222-0005 |8 |Student5 |tJHDxh9f1w2I |2546 |170 |15.19 |30.034 |40.957 |
|John Smith 10|111-222-00010|5 |Student10 |VViGgw |3037 |170 |10.38 |28.331 |34.223 |
|John Smith 3 |111-222-0003 |7 |Student3 | |3126 |170 |11.06 |22.139 |35.983 |
INFO CodeGenerator: Code generated in 83.224187 ms
INFO CodeGenerator: Code generated in 91.909298 ms
INFO Ingest: =============== after validation ===================
INFO CodeGenerator: Code generated in 89.908356 ms
|name |ssn |age|employment|stringLength5To12|long2000To3000|short100To200|decimal10To20|double20To30|float30To40|
|John Smith |111-222-0000|10 |Student |abc123xyz |2436 |170 |19.60 |23.256 |37.933 |
INFO Ingest: Validated People
Verify Hive:
kubectl logs sync-spark-pipeline-driver | grep -e 'Ingest to Hive'
Verify you see something similar the following:
INFO IngestBase: Saving Ingest to Hive...
INFO IngestBase: Saved Ingest to Hive
Verify Filestore:
kubectl logs sync-spark-pipeline-driver | grep -e 'S3 Local'
Verify you see something similar the following:
INFO Ingest: Pushing file to S3 Local with contents: test file text
INFO Ingest: Fetching file from S3 Local
INFO Ingest: Fetched file from S3 Local with contents: test file text
Verify there is a file in the S3 Local bucket:
awslocal --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 s3 ls s3://test-filestore-bucket/
Verify you see something similar the following:
14 push_testFileStore.txt
Verify Provenance:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8082/metadata/healthcheck
Verify you see something similar the following:
Metadata service is running...
curl -X GET http://localhost:8082/metadata
Verify you see something similar the following:
[{"resource":"Unspecified Ingest resource","subject":"synchronous","action":"Ingest","timestamp":"2024-11-06T22:12:56.755302Z","additionalValues":{}}]
Verify Data Access:
curl --location 'http://localhost:8081/graphql' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"query":"{Person(table: \"People\") {name}}"}'
Verify you see something similar the following:
- Note: The results may contain more than one person
{"data":{"Person":[{"name":"John Smith"}]}}
Verify Data Lineage:
In a new terminal, exec into the kafka pod: kubectl exec -it kafka-cluster-0 -- sh
. Then run the following command:
/opt/bitnami/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9093 --topic lineage-event-out --from-beginning
Verify you see something similar the following:
Clean Up: Delete the marquez and kafka PVCs:
kubectl delete pvc data-kafka-cluster-0
kubectl delete pvc data-marquez-postgresql-0