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#chases prophiles

mfreeman451 edited this page Apr 23, 2022 · 2 revisions
=——————————=[ #CHASES PROPHILE ON XYZ ]=——————————=
=————————————=[ #Chases Regular ]=——————————————=

|=—-=[ Specs

Handle: AKA: Handle origin:

Age of your body:
Height & weight:
Produced in:
IRC Client:
Known for:
Member of:
Active since:
Inactive since:

|=—-=[ Favs

Actors: Films: Authors: Meetings: Sex: Books: Novel: Meeting: Music: Alcohol: Cars: Women: Men: Food: I like:

I dislike:

=—-=[ Life in 3 sentences

=—-=[ Passions, what makes you tick

=—-=[ Memorable experiences

=—-=[ Quotes

=—-=[ What’s your opinion about #Chases

=—-=[ What you would like to see published in the #Chases EZINE?

=—-=[ Who or what inspired you to start IRCing?

=—-=[ What do you consider your most notable IRC achievement?

=—-=[ Related to the previous question: Can you give us some background
information? How and why did you come up with this? Can you give us
an anecdote story related to it?

=—-=[ Some claim that the IRC scene is growing old and that there are
not enough talented young people interested in IRCing to replace
it. What are your thoughts on this?

=—-=[ What is your advice to the new IRCers reading this?

=—-=[ What was your most “enlightening” insight so far? Either technical
or not (or both).

=—-=[ What is your stance on gender pronouns?

=—-=[ What is the future of IRC? The future of Chases?

=—-=[ What do you think is the role of #Chases in the current “scene” that
is dominated by “twitter”?

=—-=[ Open question. Anything more you would like to say to #Chases

=[ EOF ]=———————————————————————————————-=
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