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Victor Zarubkin edited this page May 18, 2015 · 20 revisions

Getting started

The page is still under construction... But it has some useful information already.

See hints if you have already launched the application.

Table of contents:
  1. Launch
  2. Open project dialog
  3. Select example project in opened dialog
  4. After you have opened a project you can open a tree
  5. Opened tree
  6. Select node
  7. Hints

1. Launch

To launch Behavior Studio:

  • on Windows: simple start run_behavior_studio.bat or if you have shell interpreter (you can find these files at root directory).
  • Other platforms: simple start (you can find it at root directory).

Please, note that it was tested only under next OS:

  • Windows 7 x64;
  • Fedora 21 Workstation 64-bit;

After Behavior Studio was launched you will see it's main window:

Now you can open existing project and start modifying it. To do so, perform next steps.
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2. Open project dialog

  • Way A - go to menu [File] >> [Open project]
  • Way B - click [Open project] icon on toolbar
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3. Select example project in opened dialog

You need to open file data/examples/projects/human_example.btproj
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4. After you have opened a project you can open a tree

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5. Opened tree

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6. Select node

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7. Hints

  • You can drag selected node to another position (holding Left mouse button) but after you release mouse button all connected nodes (whole tree) will be dragged to new position. It is because of auto-positioning algorithm which goal is to calculate positions without intersections (it takes into account node's size, it's text label size and total bounding box of all node's children).
    Note: if you will drag node holding Space + Left mouse button you will drag only selected node and it's children, all other nodes will stay in their current positions.
  • Nodes can be collapsed and expanded (hide/show children nodes) with Middle mouse button.
  • Press F1 while central grahics scene is focused to see short help.
  • Press Delete while node is selected to delete the node.
  • Press Ctrl + Z to undo last change.
  • Press Ctrl + Y to redo last change.
  • Press F5 to update view.
  • You can edit node's generic information if you will turn on Edit libraries mode in menu Options >> Edit libraries.
  • Also you may want to save your changes in node's generic information. To be able to do so turn on Save libraries mode in menu Options >> Save libraries.

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