GitHub Actions / mocha-report
Feb 27, 2024 in 0s
122 passed, 0 failed and 26 skipped
✅ test-results.json
148 tests were completed in 623s with 122 passed, 0 failed and 26 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
test/fabric/service/backup.test.ts | 14✅ | 4s | ||
test/fabric/service/caService.test.ts | 9✅ | 14s | ||
test/fabric/service/chaincode.test.ts | 18✅ | 13s | ||
test/fabric/service/channel.test.ts | 34✅ | 19s | ||
test/fabric/service/config.test.ts | 5✅ | 2ms | ||
test/fabric/service/network.test.ts | 7✅ | 2⚪ | 3s | |
test/fabric/service/orderer.test.ts | 10✅ | 11s | ||
test/fabric/service/peer.test.ts | 11✅ | 1⚪ | 7s | |
test/hello/service/hello.test.ts | 1✅ | 0ms | ||
test/quorum/service/backup.test.ts | 9✅ | 4s | ||
test/quorum/service/explorer.test.ts | 3✅ | 63s | ||
test/quorum/service/network.test.ts | 23⚪ | 0ms | ||
test/wallet/service/create.test.ts | 1✅ | 25ms |
✅ test/fabric/service/backup.test.ts
Fabric.Backup Fabric.Backup.createNetworkFolder
✅ should exist network folder in specified path
Fabric.Backup Fabric.Backup.export
✅ should create a orderer backup tarball for a single node
✅ should create a peer backup tarball for a single node
✅ should handle other node names
✅ should have error when tarball error
✅ should have error when tarball error
Fabric.Backup Fabric.Backup.exportAll
✅ should create a backup tarball for all items
✅ should have error when tarball error
Fabric.Backup Fabric.Backup.getBackupItems
✅ should return a list of backup items
Fabric.Backup Fabric.Backup.getExportItems
✅ should return a list of export items
Fabric.Backup Fabric.Backup.import
✅ should exist network folder in specified path
✅ should have error when tarball error
✅ should import a backup tarball
Fabric.Backup Fabric.Backup.import Fabric.Backup.getDockerComposeList
✅ should return a list of docker compose
✅ test/fabric/service/caService.test.ts
Fabric.CA Fabric.CA.enrollICA
✅ enroll client
✅ register ica
Fabric.CA Fabric.CA.enrollOrg
✅ enroll && register orderer
✅ enroll && register peer
✅ enroll wrong format
✅ enroll wrong role
✅ enroll wrong tls role
Fabric.CA Fabric.CA.enrollRCA
✅ up & down
Fabric.CA Fabric.CA.reenroll
✅ reenroll orderer ca
✅ test/fabric/service/chaincode.test.ts
Chaincode service: approve
✅ should use approveSteps
Chaincode service: approveSteps approveOnInstance
✅ should approve on instance
Chaincode service: approveSteps discover
✅ should discover orderer for approve
Chaincode service: commit
✅ should use commitSteps
Chaincode service: commitSteps commitOnInstance
✅ should commit on instance
Chaincode service: commitSteps discoverChannelConfig
✅ should discover orderer for commit
Chaincode service: commitSteps discoverPeers
✅ should discover peers for commit
Chaincode service: getChaincodePackageId
✅ should get chaincode package id
Chaincode service: getCommittedChaincode
✅ should get all committed chaincode
Chaincode service: install
✅ should use installSteps
Chaincode service: installSteps installToPeer
✅ should install chaincode to Peer
Chaincode service: installSteps savePackageId
✅ should save package id
Chaincode service: invoke
✅ should use invokeSteps
Chaincode service: invokeSteps discoverChannelConfig
✅ should discover channel config
Chaincode service: invokeSteps discoverEndorsers
✅ should discover endorsers
Chaincode service: invokeSteps invokeOnInstance
✅ should invoke on instance
Chaincode service: package
✅ should package chaincode
Chaincode service: query
✅ should query chaincode
✅ test/fabric/service/channel.test.ts
Channel service: approve
✅ should approve channel update envelope
Channel service: channelConfigFileName
✅ should get filename of channel config
Channel service: computeUpdateConfigTx
✅ should create updated configtx
Channel service: create
✅ should use createSteps
Channel service: createSteps createChannelArtifact
✅ should create channel artifact
Channel service: createSteps createOnInstance
✅ should create channel on instance
Channel service: decodeEnvelope applicatieon channel ADD_ORDERER_CONSENTER
✅ should decode envelope correctly
Channel service: decodeEnvelope applicatieon channel ADD_ORDERER_TO_CHANNEL
✅ should decode envelope correctly
Channel service: decodeEnvelope applicatieon channel ADD_PEER_TO_APPLICATION_CHANNEL
✅ should decode envelope correctly
Channel service: decodeEnvelope applicatieon channel UPDATE_ANCHOR_PEER
✅ should decode envelope correctly
Channel service: decodeEnvelope system channel ADD_ORDERER_CONSENTER
✅ should decode envelope correctly
Channel service: decodeEnvelope system channel ADD_ORDERER_TO_CHANNEL
✅ should decode envelope correctly
Channel service: decodeEnvelope system channel ADD_PEER_TO_SYSTEM_CHANNEL
✅ should decode envelope correctly
Channel service: fetchChannelBlock should use correct fetchChannelBlockSteps
✅ ChannelConfigEnum.CONFIG_BLOCK
✅ ChannelConfigEnum.GENESIS_BLOCK
✅ ChannelConfigEnum.LATEST_BLOCK
Channel service: fetchChannelBlockSteps fetchChannelConfig
✅ should fetch channel config
Channel service: fetchChannelBlockSteps fetchChannelGenesisBlock
✅ should fetch channel genesis block
Channel service: fetchChannelBlockSteps fetchChannelNewestBlock
✅ should fetch channel newest block
Channel service: fetchChannelConfig
✅ should fetch channel config
Channel service: getChannelGroup
✅ should use getChannelGroupSteps
Channel service: getChannelGroupSteps decodeFetchedChannelConfig
✅ should decode fetched channel config
Channel service: getChannelGroupSteps fetchChannelConfig
✅ should fetch channel config
Channel service: getConfigBlock
✅ should get channel config
Channel service: join
✅ should use joinSteps
Channel service: joinSteps fetchChannelBlock
✅ should fetch channel block
Channel service: joinSteps joinOnInstance
✅ should join channel on instance
Channel service: listJoinedChannel
✅ should list joined channel
Channel service: update
✅ should update channel by envelope
Channel service: updateAnchorPeer
✅ should use updateAnchorPeerSteps
Channel service: updateAnchorPeerSteps computeUpdateConfigTx
✅ should compute config diff
Channel service: updateAnchorPeerSteps fetchChannelConfig
✅ should fetch channel config
Channel service: updateAnchorPeerSteps signConfigTx
✅ should sign envelop
Channel service: updateAnchorPeerSteps updateChannelConfig
✅ should update channel config
✅ test/fabric/service/config.test.ts
Config service: init
✅ .env content and inputs should be the same
✅ should exist .env file in specified path
Config service: ls
✅ should return current .env config
Config service: set
✅ .env should be
✅ should throw init first error message
✅ test/fabric/service/network.test.ts
Network service: copyTLSCa
✅ should copy the TLS CA to the specified folder under the blockchain network
Network service: createConnectionProfile
✅ should generate peer connection profile file
⚪ should throw error when peerOrgs is undefined
Network service: createDockerCompose
✅ should generate orderer/peer docker-compose file
Network service: createGenesisBlock
✅ should generate genesis.block file and org-json file
Network service: createNetworkFolder
✅ should exist network folder in specified path
Network service: cryptogen
✅ should generate ca file when function cryptogen done
Network service: delete
✅ should delete network folder in specified path
⚪ should shutdown docker container
✅ test/fabric/service/orderer.test.ts
Orderer service: addConsenterToChannel
✅ should use addConsenterToChannelSteps
Orderer service: addConsenterToChannelSteps computeUpdateConfigTx
✅ should compute config diff
Orderer service: addConsenterToChannelSteps fetchChannelConfig
✅ should fetch channel config from blockchain
Orderer service: addOrgToChannel
✅ should use addOrgToChannelSteps
Orderer service: addOrgToChannelSteps computeUpdateConfigTx
✅ should compute config diff
Orderer service: addOrgToChannelSteps fetchChannelConfig
✅ should fetch channel config from blockchain
Orderer service: copyTLSCa
✅ should copy the orderer TLS CA to the specified folder under the blockchain network
Orderer service: createDockerCompose
✅ should generate orderer/peer docker-compose file
Orderer service: cryptogen
✅ should generate orderer ca file when function cryptogen done
Orderer service: up & down
✅ should start and shutdown docker container
✅ test/fabric/service/peer.test.ts
Peer service: addOrgToChannel
✅ should use addOrgToChannelSteps
Peer service: addOrgToChannelSteps computeUpdateConfigTx
✅ should compute config diff
Peer service: addOrgToChannelSteps fetchChannelConfig
✅ should fetch channel config from blockchain
Peer service: addOrgToSystemChannel
✅ should use addOrgToSystemChannelSteps
Peer service: addOrgToSystemChannelSteps computeUpdateConfigTx
✅ should compute config diff
Peer service: addOrgToSystemChannelSteps fetchChannelConfig
✅ should fetch channel config from blockchain
Peer service: copyTLSCa
✅ should copy the peer TLS CA to the specified folder under the blockchain network
Peer service: createConnectionProfileYaml
✅ should generate peer connection profile file
⚪ should throw error when peerOrgs is undefined
Peer service: createDockerCompose
✅ should generate orderer/peer docker-compose file
Peer service: cryptogen
✅ should generate peer ca file when function cryptogen done
Peer service: up & down
✅ should start and shutdown docker container
✅ test/hello/service/hello.test.ts
✅ Hello unittest
✅ test/quorum/service/backup.test.ts
Quorum.Backup Quorum.Backup.export
✅ should create a member backup tarball for a single node
✅ should create a validator backup tarball for a single node
✅ should have error when tarball error
Quorum.Backup Quorum.Backup.exportAll
✅ should create a backup tarball for all items
✅ should have error when tarball error
Quorum.Backup Quorum.Backup.getBackupItems
✅ should return a list of backup items
Quorum.Backup Quorum.Backup.getExportItems
✅ should return a list of export items
Quorum.Backup Quorum.Backup.import
✅ should have error when tarball error
✅ should import a backup tarball
✅ test/quorum/service/explorer.test.ts
Quorum.Explorer.Service Quorum.Explorer.create
✅ should create and start the explorer
Quorum.Explorer.Service Quorum.Explorer.delete
✅ should delete the explorer
Quorum.Explorer.Service Quorum.Explorer.getExplorerFiles
✅ should return a list of explorer files
✅ test/quorum/service/network.test.ts
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.add Quorum.Network.addMemberLocal
⚪ should add a new member locally
⚪ should throw timeout Error
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.add Quorum.Network.addMemberRemote
⚪ should add a remote member to the network
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.add Quorum.Network.addValidatorLocal
⚪ should add a new validator locally
⚪ should throw timeout Error
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.add Quorum.Network.addValidatorRemote
⚪ should add a remote validator to the network
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.add Quorum.Network.joinNode
⚪ should join a member node successfully
⚪ should join a validator node successfully
⚪ should throw timeout Error when join member
⚪ should throw timeout Error when join validator
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.create
⚪ should create and start the network
⚪ should create only validator containers
⚪ should create the bdk files
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.dockerService Quorum.Network.delete
⚪ should start one specific container
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.dockerService Quorum.Network.down
⚪ should stop all containers
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.dockerService Quorum.Network.upAll
⚪ should start all containers
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.dockerService Quorum.Network.upService
⚪ should start one specific containers
⚪ should up nothing when input wrong
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.generate
⚪ should generate the expected number of validators and members
Quorum.Network.Service Quorum.Network.getNetworkInfo
⚪ should get the correct member node information
⚪ should get the correct network information
⚪ should get the correct validator node information
⚪ should get undefined when wrong input
✅ test/wallet/service/create.test.ts
Wallet.Create Wallet.Create
✅ should create a ethereum wallet with address and private key