🙌 I'm Caven Chen, As a front-end and Gis developer.
🌱 I’m currently learning vue3、webgl、cesium、mapbox-gl、three、deck.gl and other development technologies.
🔭 Here are some personal works:
🌎 cesium-map: Cesium map plugin for adding maps from major map makers in China.
🌎 cesium-widget: Cesium widget library, mainly including compass, scale, hierarchy controller, bubble window, Tooltip, etc.
🌎 dc-sdk: The SDK is based on Cesium for secondary development of 2, 3D all-in-one WebGis application framework, the framework optimizes the use of Cesium and add some additional features, designed for developers to quickly build WebGis applications.
📫 How to reach me:
Email: cavencj@gmail.com
X: @cavencj
Personal website: https://cavencj.cn