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陳鍾誠 edited this page Feb 25, 2019 · 4 revisions

啟動程式 (BootLoader)

C 語言的啟動程式



function init() {
  compToReg('SP', 'D');    // SP=256
  cmdCall('Sys.init', 0);  // call Sys.init()

接上虛擬機之後 (NextedCall 測試)

// Sys.vm for NestedCall test.
// Copyright (C) 2013 Mark A. Armbrust.
// Permission granted for educational use.

// Sys.init() calls Sys.main(), stores the return value in temp 1,
//  and enters an infinite loop.

function Sys.init 0
call Sys.main 0
pop temp 1
label LOOP
goto LOOP

// Sys.main() calls Sys.add12(123) and stores return value (135) in temp 0.
// Returns 456.

function Sys.main 0
push constant 123
call Sys.add12 1
pop temp 0
push constant 246

// Sys.add12(int x) returns x+12.
// It allocates 3 words of local storage to test the deallocation of local
// storage during the return.

function Sys.add12 3
push argument 0
push constant 12

接上虛擬機之後 (完整)

// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/12/Sys.jack

 * A library of basic system services.
class Sys {

    /** Performs all the initializations required by the OS. */
    function void init() {
        do Math.init();
        do Output.init();
        do Screen.init();
        do Keyboard.init();
        do Memory.init();
        do Main.main();

    /** Halts execution. */
    function void halt() {

    /** Waits approximately duration milliseconds and then returns. */
    function void wait(int duration) {
        var int i, j;
        let i = 0;
        while( i < duration ) {
            let j = 0;
            while( j < 200 ) {
                let j = j + 1;
            let i = i + 1;

    /** Prints the given error code in the form "ERR<errorCode>", and halts. */
    function void error(int errorCode) {
        do Output.printString("Err");
        do Output.printInt(errorCode);
        do halt();
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