a fork of enigma
fork from this commit: https://bitbucket.org/cuchaz/enigma/commits/6dfb5fc6325986b283fbdbbe7141ba8950811b46?at=default
origin project url:https://bitbucket.org/cuchaz/enigma/
added function:
- separate obfuscated classes, de-obfuscated classes,Inner/Anonymous Classes and None-Package Classes
- implemented default de-obfuscate function that mark words' length large than 5 as de-obfuscated tokens (named "markwords")
- add refresh action in the menu context
- add go next action so we can easily navigate back or next
Enigma v0.10.4 beta A tool for deobfuscation of Java bytecode
Copyright Jeff Martin, 2015
Enigma is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public license version 3
Enigma includes a modified version of Procyon which is distributed under the Apache license version 2. Procyon is copyrighted by Mike Strobel, 2013
Enigma includes unmodified versions of the following libraries which are also released under the Apache license version 2. Guava Javassist JSyntaxPane
Copies of the GNU Lesser General Public license verion 3 and the Apache license v2 have been included in this distribution.
Launch the GUI: java -jar enigma.jar
Use Enigma on the command line: java -cp enigma.jar cuchaz.enigma.CommandMain