- Log in to Github
- Open the file you want to change, for example settlements.civmap.json
- On the top right, click the edit pen
- Make your changes
- Check for JSON formatting errors: paste everything into JSONLint
- At the bottom, click
Propose file change
- Once the page loads, click
Create Pull Request
Thank you for contributing to CCMap!
Download the spreadsheet in Tab-separated Values format (.tsv
) and run this command:
cat "CivClassic Settlements - Settlements (1).tsv" | python3 scripts/overlay_from_tsv.py 'omit=founded=major=active=Activity Index - Jan. 2018=Activity Index - Feb. 2018=Activity Index - Apr. 2018=Activity Index - May 2018=Appomattox Builder\'s Association - Rating' | sed -E 's/\}, \{/\},\n \{/g' > settlements.civmap.json
The omit=...
argument removes these spreadsheet columns from the output.
The sed -E 's/\}, \{/\},\n \{/g'
splits the file into many lines, to make viewing diffs easier.