The ultimate Django server to run NGS analysis pipeline.
- Git
- Python 3.5+
Create the virtual environment at <repo>/venv
python3 -m venv venv
To activate it:
. venv/bin/activate
Or on Windows, use
. venv\Scripts\activate.bat
Use pip:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Settings are stored in environment variables via django-environ. The
quickiest way to start is to copy local.sample.env
into local.env
cp src/biocloud/settings/local.sample.env src/biocloud/settings/local.env
Then edit the SECRET_KEY
line in local.env
, replacing {{ secret_key }}
into any Django Secret Key value. An example:
After that, just run the migration.
Change to the src
cd src
The website uses PostgreSQL database, make sure it has been running. On OSX, PostgreSQL may not run in the background, which can be started manually by
fab start_db
Then run the database migration.
python migrate
Run the development server
python runserver
the Django-Q job cluster for executing pipeline jobs
python qcluster
and a local SMTP server so all email sending will be captured
fab start_smtp
Release under MIT License. A great portion of code is adapted from PyCon Taiwan 2016 website's source code under license MIT.