This repository contains a python script ( which should be executed in a virtual environment in order to make prediction of ICMEs associated with a given start and stop times.
To do predictions of ICMEs you need to follow these steps: 👏- you should have python 3.6 already installed for example => C:\Users\...\Programs\Python\Python36
- pip install virtualenv
- python -m virtualenv -p="C:\Users\...\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe" venvwithpyhon36
- activate the virtual environment = venv\Scripts\activate
- install the requirements = pip --no-cache-dir install -r path/icme/requirements.txt
- run the script with the following arguments a start time start, a stop time stop and a destination folder path => python -m main start stop path
The script will automatically download the dataset if it does not exist in the data/datasets folder but if you want to download it manually, it can be found here: