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Thomas Leibovici edited this page Sep 26, 2017 · 56 revisions

robinhood logo Robinhood Policy Engine

Robinhood Policy Engine is a versatile tool to manage contents of large file systems. It maintains a replicate of filesystem medatada in a database that can be queried at will. It makes it possible to schedule mass action on filesystem entries by defining attribute-based policies, provides fast 'find' and 'du' enhanced clones, gives to administrators an overall view of filesystem contents through its web UI and command line tools.
It supports any POSIX filesystem and implements advanced features for Lustre filesystems (list/purge files per OST or pool, read MDT changelogs...)

Originally developped for HPC, it has been designed to perform all its tasks in parallel, so it is particularly adapted for running on large filesystems with millions of entries and petabytes of data. But of course, you can take benefits of all its features for managing smaller filesystems, like '/tmp' of workstations.

Robinhood is distributed under the CeCILL-C license, which is a French transposition of the GNU LGPL and is fully LGPL-compatible.


Robinhood User Group 2017 will take place on the Afternoon of Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017 in Paris, France.
For more details, see the event page, or directly register here.

Main features

  • Policy Engine: schedule actions on filesystem entries according to admin-defined criteria, based on entry attributes.
  • User/group usage accounting, including file size profiling.
  • Extra-fast 'du' and 'find' clones.
  • Customizable alerts on filesystem entries.
  • Aware of Lustre OSTs and pools.
  • Filesystem disaster recovery tools.


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