Alternative client and Go library for Google Cloud's Identity-Aware Proxy. This is based on an implementation in gartnera/gcloud and the official gcloud source code. It aims to expose more functionality and have better performance. It's worth mentioning that the IAP speaks a slightly modified version of the SSH Relay v4 protocol documented here.
flowchart LR
subgraph Client
Client1[Client 1] --- IAPC
Client2[Client 2] --- IAPC
subgraph Google Cloud
IAPC -- WebSocket --> IAP(Identity-Aware Proxy)
IAP --- Instance
IAP --- HostIP["Host (requires BeyondCorp)"]
The CLI needs to acquire Application Default Credentials (ADC) to authenticate with the proxy, so make sure you're logged in.
$ gcloud auth login --update-adc
Your VPC will need a firewall rule to allow traffic to the instance on the desired port (in this case 8080) from the well-known IAP range See Using IAP for TCP Forwarding for more information.
Here's an example of how to create a tunnel to an instance on default port 22.
$ iapc to-instance prod-1 --project analog-figure-330721 --zone europe-west2-a
Here's an example of how to create a tunnel to a private IP or FQDN in a VPC. This requires BeyondCorp Enterprise and a TCP Destination Group.
$ iapc to-host --project analog-figure-330721 --region europe-west2 --network prod --dest-group prod
This code example wires stdin/stdout to a port 8080 TCP connection on an instance. Run nc -l 8080
on the instance to observe bidirectional communication.
Your VPC will need a firewall rule to allow traffic to the instance on the desired port (in this case 8080) from the well-known IAP range See Using IAP for TCP Forwarding for more information.
package main
import (
func main() {
tokenSource, err := google.DefaultTokenSource(context.Background())
if err != nil {
opts := []iap.DialOption{
iap.WithInstance("prod-1", "europe-west2-a", "nic0"),
tun, err := iap.Dial(context.Background(), opts...)
if err != nil {
defer tun.Close()
go io.Copy(tun, os.Stdout)
io.Copy(os.Stdin, tun)
This project is licensed under your choice of MIT or GPLv3.