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vanpeerdevelopment edited this page Jan 14, 2016 · 3 revisions

The goal of the DWS innovation center is to set up an application based on the best practices learned in previous projects and to make it easy to reuse the ideas and setup in new projects. To achieve this goal a small application is created in which the focus is on the setup and build process more than on functionality.

The PetCupid app used in the JavaScript Angular course organized at Cegeka is used as source of inspiration. PetCupid is transformed into a basic application with a frontend, backend and database. The three parts of the application are dockerized and a Jenkins build pipeline is created to continuously integrate the code and create new docker images of the application whenever the build succeeds.

The frontend is an AngularJS application written in ES2015. Dependencies are managed using npm and Bower and gulp is used to build the frontend. Spring Boot is used to create a small backend which provides REST services to the frontend using Jersey. For the backend maven is used as build tool. All pets are stored in a Postgres database.

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