Ad-hoc tools for taking NMEA GPS data off an Amod AGL 3080 and storing it in postgres.
Requires gpsbabel ( or your preferred package library) and the python lxml library.
This is really ad-hoc code. It evolved from other code and does some pointless things, and it won't work out of the box for you, but I hope it might be a useful starting point for setting up your own system. Improvements are, of course, welcome.
I plug in my AGL 3080 and it mounts as an external drive. I run the aglup tool (which I actually have as a shell alias, not a script) and it does this for each raw NMEA log:
Copies the log to my hard drive.
Uses gpsbabel to create a GPX version of the NMEA.
Uses to turn the GPX into a CSV.
Has postgres read the CSV into a table (described in schema.sql) and, if that worked, deletes the file off the logger.
The most common error I get at this point is duplicate violation, which happens if the logger wrote multiple sessions to one file.
I query the database with the script (again, actually a shell alias), which writes CSV. That looks like this:
$ since '1 week' 'lon, lat' > points
That's easy to plot with gnuplot, processing, or whatever you like. (I may upload some of my python plotting scripts eventually.)
Consider PostGIS.
Consider (or homebrew) to bypass gpsbabel.
Figure out why I didn't have gpsbabel write CSV instead of going through GPX.
Think about storing skyview.
Handle duplicate violation better.
Clean up & share plotting scripts.