A whois service that is current.
whois.geek.nz aliases the official whois server for each tld.
While you can use them directly via:
whois -h ${TLD}.whois.geek.nz
you can make this easier by adding this to your .bashrc or other compatible shell initialization script:
cat >> ~/.bashrc <<EOF
WHOIS=`which whois`
iwhois() {
tld=`echo ${@: -1} | awk -F "." '{print $NF}'`
if [ `echo $tld | egrep 'com|net|tv|cc'` ]; then
$WHOIS "$@"
$WHOIS -h $tld$resolver "$@"
Then you can use iwhois
as a command that automatically looks at the correct
if you fancy you can even replace the standard whois
with iwhois
by adding this:
alias whois='iwhois'
to the end of your .profile
or .bashrc
Please submit pull requests/issues if this function doesn't work, or there are better solutions, for your shell and we can add them.