Bender Smart Charging GmbH
- Germany/Leipzig
- 1h ahead - http://c-aurich.de
ORBION the OpenSource Space Mouse 3D
Flexible data visualization software for embedded devices and projects
Python WooCommerce 2.1+ REST API Client Library
McuOnEclipse Processor Expert components and example projects
Python code to interface with Nordic nRF24L01+ radio over SPI through BusPirate
A full (very basic) example of using django, celery and rabbitmq to distribute tasks/jobs.
UART/SPI drivers for Qualcomm Atheros QCA7000 serial-to-powerline bridge chip. This version is specific to Linux 2.6.35 and Freescale iMX28 CPU.
A Python-Arduino-Prototyping-API fork gone wild
An implementation of the SWD protocol using the Bus Pirate
This is a general and scalable framework for visual SLAM. It employs "Double Window Optimization" (DWO).
creates a wave file that has a spectrum over time that looks like the png that was provided
Create a Batch file for Springerlink batch downloader, to download several books from springerlink.com automatically
a python script for downloading ebooks from springerlink.com